Page 185 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 185

A3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: using information from oral French texts, identify and demonstrate an understanding
of sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations in diverse French-speaking com- munities (e.g., identify ways in which humour
is used to convey messages in media texts; listen
to a radio call-in show and identify variations in language use by age of speaker and region; describe
how language register differs in French-language commercials depending on the intended audience)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi certains termes d’une langue n’ont-ils pas de traduction?” “Que comprendrais-tu si tu entendais dans une conversation des ados utilisant des abréviations ou supprimant le ne dans la négation (p. ex., T’es là? J’ai pas bien dormi cette nuit)?” “Quel langage utilisé par la commercialisation influence le comportement des jeunes et des adultes envers certains produits?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can encourage students to pay attention to how impersonal expressions (e.g., “il est certain que”, “il est probable que”, “il semble que”) are used in commercials as a strategy to convince listeners.
(2) Teachers can suggest that students listen for the use of informal expressions in a conversation between friends (e.g., “T’es là?”, “p’tit dèje”, “J’ai pas bien dormi cette nuit” for “Es-tu là?”, “petit déjeuner”, “Je n’ai pas bien dormi cette nuit”).
(3) Teachers can ensure that students are able to understand humorous plays on words (e.g., “La pêche est le fruit que détestent les poissons”).
 Core French

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