Page 180 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 180

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Core
persuasif?” “Comment organiseras-tu un rapport qui examine les perceptions des gens au sujet d’un problème d’environnement?” “Quelles sont les sources d’information qu’on peut utiliser pour se renseigner sur les façons d’investir et d’économiser de l’argent? Comment vas-tu faire ton plan?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students use various past tenses in the conclusions of their reports and future tenses in recommendations for future actions.
(2) Teachers can suggest that students use connecting terms (e.g., “par conséquent”, “autrement”, “cependant”, “d’un côté l’autre côté...”) when writing a report.
D1.3 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech appropriately and following conventions for correct spelling, word order, and punctuation (e.g., replace a subject, direct object, indirect object, or preposition, and link ideas, using relative pronouns such as“qui”,“que”,“dont”,“où”; use the appropriate sequence of present and past tenses in a narration or description of events; make comparisons using demonstrative pronouns such as“celui-ci”,“celle-là”; express emotions or provide suggestions using the subjonctif présent; use indirect discourse to report the statements of others)
Teacher prompts: “Quel langage utilises-tu pour faire un compte-rendu d’expérience qui décrit tes sentiments et tes réactions?” “Que faut-il utiliser pour coordonner deux mots ou groupes de mots à l’intérieur d’une proposition négative pour marquer l’idée d’addition?” “Comment choisis-tu les temps de verbes appropriés pour la tâche écrite? Comment la tâche, elle-même, peut-elle dicter les temps de verbes à employer?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model the use of double negative expressions and encourage students to use them to convey their opinions (e.g., “Je n’ai aimé ni le choix des acteurs, ni la cinématographie de ce film”, “Le film offre une image propre, froide et gélifiée, sans chair, ni grain, ni nuance, ni vie”).
(2) Teachers can suggest that students use indirect speech when summarizing the opinions of others (e.g., “Il a dit qu’il n’était pas content avec la politique de l’école concernant l’équité et l’inclusion”).
(3) Teachers can encourage students to use the correct sequence of tenses in past narration when relating several events (e.g., “Quand je suis arrivé chez mon ami, il regardait le match de hockey. Il avait déjà mis les amuse-gueules devant la télé”).
D2. The Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 Generating, Developing, and Organizing Content: generate, develop, and organize
ideas for writing using a variety of pre-writing strategies and resources (e.g., participate in a small-group discussion to generate ideas for an opinion piece; formulate and respond to questions to make predictions regarding, speculate about, and ultimately deepen their understanding of a specific topic; cluster point-form notes to organize them into main ideas and supporting details; create an outline to organize arguments to support a thesis)
Teacher prompts: “Comment le fait de varier les types de questions écrites (p. ex., les questions ouvertes pour inviter au dialogue, les questions fermées pour obtenir des informations précises, les questions suggestives pour influencer une position, les questions de relais pour approfondir une explication, les questions indirectes pour avoir une réponse sans vraiment la demander) t’aide à approfondir la compréhension d’un sujet spécifique?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can review a variety of question and other sentence constructions that students could use to formulate research topics and expand on information in their texts.
D2.2 Drafting and Revising: plan and produce drafts and revise their work using a variety
of teacher-directed and independent strategies (e.g., use feedback from peer editing to ensure
that success criteria have been met and to improve their text; reread drafts, adding, deleting, and/or reorganizing information as necessary; use feedback from previous assignments to correct frequent errors and refine language use; use various editing tools to ensure the correctness of language in written work; consider whether someone from a different background will be able to understand their narrative, and adjust the text accordingly)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelle mesure la planification du travail écrit t’aidera-t-elle avec l’écriture du brouillon?” “Comment le fait de comparer ton travail à un modèle influence-t-il ta révision et pourquoi?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can model how to use the conditionnel présent and conditionnel passé when providing feedback (e.g., “J’aurais utilisé un autre mot ici”, “Pourrais-tu dire cela différemment?”).
D2.3 Producing Finished Work: make improve- ments to enhance the clarity and readability of their written work, and use various elements of effective presentation to produce a polished product for publication (e.g., focus on the conven- tions that make the work correct and neat; use

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