Page 167 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 167

 for the environment using hypothetical sentences; express nuances and degrees of appreciation or criticism in a letter to a community newspaper; describe their day in a blog or journal entry using the passé composé and imparfait)
Teacher prompts: “En quoi le langage employé dans une correspondance entre amis diffère-t-il d’un langage utilisé dans une lettre au directeur de l’école?” “Comment les temps de verbes peuvent-ils changer l’intention du message?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can ask students
to use the conditionnel présent for providing suggestions or advice (e.g., “On pourrait prendre la voiture ce soir”, “Je demanderais
de remettre le travail la semaine prochaine”, “Tu viendrais au cinéma avec moi ce soir pour t’amuser”, “Tu ne devrais pas lui répondre tout de suite”).
D2. The Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 Generating, Developing, and Organizing Content: generate, develop, and organize ideas for writing using a variety of pre-writing strategies and resources (e.g., develop a checklist of elements needed for a movie or video game review; consider what to include in a letter to
an author describing their reaction to a text read
in class; use a “quick write” strategy to generate ideas and record thoughts and words; use a “sketch to stretch” strategy, drawing images that reflect their understanding of concepts or their reaction/ response to ideas)
Teacher prompts: “Comment as-tu choisi les aspects à traiter dans ce travail?” “Quelles stratégies d’organisation as-tu utilisées pour clarifier tes idées?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage the use of tools such as mind maps and concept webs to assist students in generating and expanding upon their ideas.
D2.2 Drafting and Revising: plan and produce drafts and revise their work using a variety of teacher-directed and independent strategies (e.g., use online and print resources to assist with revising and editing; use note cards to organize the main ideas and supporting details for a report; ask a peer to edit their work, and use the feedback to improve the coherence and clarity of the text’s message; check written text for accuracy, consistency,
and clarity; identify wording that conveys gender bias, and substitute gender-neutral language by using the pronoun“on”)
Teacher prompts: “Comment ta lecture et ta révision du texte d’un pair peuvent-elles t’aider à améliorer ton propre texte?” “Comment t’assures-tu que ton texte ne contient pas de préjugé, d’affirmation non fondée, de vocabulaire discriminatoire?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can ask students to verify that past tenses in their writing correctly express the order of events (“la concordance des temps”).
D2.3 Producing Finished Work: make improve- ments to enhance the clarity and readability of their written work, and use various elements of effective presentation to produce a polished product for publication (e.g., add organizational and design elements, such as text boxes, sidebars, and effective spacing to highlight key information; include quotations to support ideas presented, and reference their sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il important de considérer d’autres perspectives quand tu fais vérifier ton travail?” “Pourquoi faut-il éviter les erreurs dans un travail publié?” “Pourquoi faut-il vérifier la ponctuation dans les phrases?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can highlight ways in which punctuation can change the meaning of a text (e.g., “Le professeur dit : l’élève est bavarde” vs “Le professeur, dit l’élève, est bavarde”) and can ask students to verify that their punctuation contributes to the clarity of their text.
D2.4 Metacognition:
(a) describe strategies they found helpful before, during, and after writing;
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as writers, and plan steps they can take to improve their writing skills (e.g., reflect on the effectiveness of different aids, such as electronic/print resources and feedback from peers, the teacher, or parents, used when correcting work; explain the benefits of planning carefully for each part of the writing process; select the most useful self-correcting techniques and comment on their use, and their limitations, in a personal reflective journal)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi faut-il te fixer
des objectifs pour la prochaine tâche d’écriture en prenant en considération la rétroaction
de tes pairs?” “Comment peux-tu déterminer les stratégies qui ont été les plus efficaces tout
Core French

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