Page 163 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 163

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Reading Comprehension: determine meaning in a variety of authentic and adapted French texts, using a range of reading comprehension strategies;
C2. Purpose,Form,andStyle:identifythepurpose(s),characteristics,andaspectsofstyleofavarietyof authentic and adapted text forms in French, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media forms;
C3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities.
C1. Reading Comprehension
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 Using Reading Comprehension Strategies: identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after reading to understand French texts in various reading contexts (e.g., use a graphic organizer to illustrate the structure of a text; develop mind maps to activate prior knowledge and consolidate new learning; create sketches to help them visualize characters, events, or settings; ask questions to determine the author’s intent or a character’s motivations; make personal connections to dig deeper into a book’s relevance)
Teacher prompts: “Quand tu arrives à une partie du texte que tu ne comprends pas, que fais-tu?” ”Quelles questions est-ce que tu t’es posées pendant la lecture?” “Comment est-ce que
la visualisation d’un texte t’aide à mieux comprendre ce dernier?” “Comment est-ce que le texte t’a aidé à évoquer des souvenirs personnels?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use temporal adverbs (e.g., “actuellement”, “alors”, “après”, “autrefois”, “d’abord”, “déjà”, “dernièrement”, “dorénavant”, “enfin”, “puis”) when discussing their use of reading comprehension strategies.
C1.2 Reading for Meaning: demonstrate an understanding of explicit and implicit messages in a variety of student- and teacher-selected French texts about everyday matters and personally relevant topics (e.g., retell a story
from an alternative perspective; create a commercial based on information in travel brochures; compare personality traits of characters in a text with those of real people or fictional characters in another text; with a partner, role-play an interview asking an author to justify his or her perspective; create a timeline showing key events in a text; distinguish between fact and opinion in advertisements)
Teacher prompts: “Expliquez le message présenté dans le texte et la perspective de l’auteur.” “Comment est-ce que les émotions éprouvées lors de la lecture t’aident à mieux ressentir ce que vit le personnage principal?” “Quels sont les traits de caractère que ce personnage et toi avez en commun? Comment est-ce que cela t’aide à comprendre ses actions?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use adverbs of affirmation and doubt (e.g., “certainement”, “précisément”, “peut-être”, “vraisemblablement”) when discussing and synthesizing articles.
C1.3 Reading with Fluency: read a variety of French texts containing familiar vocabulary and expressions at a sufficient rate and with sufficient ease to demonstrate that they understand the overall sense of the text (e.g., respond to feedback from a partner while reading aloud in order to improve pacing and intonation; participate in shared reading with the whole class to build fluency and confidence; read poetry to develop expression)
Teacher prompts: “Comment est-ce que la lecture partagée t’aide à mieux comprendre les nouveaux mots?” “Que peux-tu faire pour améliorer ta lecture de ce texte?”
Core French

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