Page 126 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 126

 Grade 10, Applied
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Core
C2.3 Metacognition:
(a) describe strategies they found helpful before, during, and after reading to understand texts; (b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as readers, and plan steps they can take to improve their reading skills (e.g., rank their top three reading comprehension strategies in order of effectiveness and give reasons for their ranking; compare their top strategies with those of a peer and collaborate to describe the best use for each strategy)
Teacher prompts: “Quelles stratégies utilises-tu pour te rappeler des arguments importants?” “Quelles questions te poses-tu pour vérifier que tu as bien compris?” “Est-ce que ces stratégies sont efficaces? Pourquoi? Quelles autres stratégies peux-tu utiliser?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can review ways in which students can use questions to help them set personal goals for improvement in reading.
C3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 Intercultural Awareness: using information from a variety of French texts, identify French- speaking communities worldwide, find out about aspects of their cultures, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., research symbols associated with specific French-speaking communities and explain their significance; from their reading of advertisements and promotional material, identify some culturally significant practices related to events in French-speaking communities in various countries, such as Switzerland, Belgium, or Canada; read job postings to identify languages required in business in French-speaking communities around the world; compare posted signage in French- speaking regions and infer some of the interests, values, and societal norms of those communities; read descriptions of the flags of various French- speaking countries and describe how the elements reflect the national history or culture)
Teacher prompts: “Quels pays francophones aimerais-tu visiter si tu le pouvais? Pourquoi?” “Comment est-ce que les textes publicitaires essaient de mettre en valeur les aspects enchan- teurs des pays pour convaincre les gens d’y aller?” “De quel point de vue l’information
est-elle présentée dans la publicité?” “Quelle est ta réaction à l’information présentée dans le texte? Comment est-ce que cette information t’aide à mieux comprendre cette communauté?”
Instructional tip: To help students develop their ability to understand texts from other cultures, teachers can suggest that, before reading, students find out about the writer and the circumstances in which the text was written and that they pay attention to illustrations for clues about the text and the culture that produced it.
C3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify, in a variety of French texts, examples of sociolinguistic conventions associated with
a variety of social situations in diverse French- speaking communities (e.g., compare vocabulary in menus from two French-speaking communities; identify words and expressions unique to certain communities; describe how the words of the national anthem of a specific French-speaking country reflect aspects of its national history
or culture)
Teacher prompts: “Quelles sont les nouvelles expressions régionales retrouvées dans les vers d’un poème ou dans les paroles des chansons étudiées? Comment est-ce que tu vas essayer de les utiliser dans tes réponses?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use an organizer such as a Venn diagram when comparing and contrasting vocabulary from different French-speaking communities.

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