Page 120 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 120

 Grade 10, Applied
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Core
variations (e.g., “un(e) Anglais(e)”, “un(e) Français(e)”, “un(e) Canadien(ne)”, “un(e) Camerounais(e)”, “un(e) Marocain(e)”, “un(e) Vietnamien(ne)”, “un(e) Guinéen(ne)”, “un(e) Suisse”, “un(e) Belge”).
A3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: using information from oral French texts, identify and demonstrate an understanding
of sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations in diverse French-speaking com- munities (e.g., interpret the meanings and uses
of intonation and non-verbal gestures in different French-speaking communities; identify expressions that show interest in what another person is saying;
identify the language register used by the participants in a conversation)
Teacher prompts: “Comment peut-on développer nos compétences auditoires en apprenant à regarder de plus près la personne et ses gestes?” “Comment la musique d’accompagnement d’un programme de radio t’aide-t-elle à comprendre le message, le sujet ou le thème?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can encourage students to listen for the use of “vouloir”, “pouvoir”, and “devoir” to help them identify wishes, possibilities, and obligations.
(2) Teachers can post a list of expressions used to show interest in a conversation (e.g., “C’est vrai?”, “Ah bon?”, “Non! Ce n’est pas vrai!”, “Tu es sûr?”, “Vraiment?”, “Tu plaisantes!”, “Tu rigoles! ”, “Pas possible!”, “Tu as raison”, “Tu as tort”, “Je connais bien cette personne”) and to express opinions (e.g., “À mon avis”, “D’après moi”, “Selon moi”, “Personnellement, je pense/ crois/trouve que...”), and can encourage students to use these phrases when responding to the statements of others.

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