Page 108 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 108

 Grade 10, Academic
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Core
using the impératif, including the position of object pronouns (e.g., “Faites-le!”, “Ne lui parle pas!”).
(2) Teachers can ensure that students are able
to distinguish between the futur simple and the conditionnel présent, and can encourage students to use the former when describing goals for healthy living and plans for the future, including career aspirations.
B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and accurate pronunciation in prepared and spontaneous communications about a range of familiar topics (e.g., use known vocabulary when speaking about familiar subjects; avoid awkward pauses by using familiar vocabulary to describe an idea or object when the exact term is forgotten; role-play
a telephone conversation to demonstrate clear speaking when face-to-face communication is not possible; recite a poem using pauses for dramatic emphasis; change expression and intonation to reflect different messages and situations; change tone/inflection to express sarcasm, irony, respect, and/or happiness or other emotions)
Teacher prompts: “Comment ajoutes-tu de l’emphase durant la présentation d’un poème?” “Pourquoi est-il important de bien connaître son sujet?” “Qu’est-ce qui t’aide à t’exprimer avec confiance et clarté?” “Comment peux-tu changer le ton de ta voix pour appuyer ton message?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model and encourage students to practise appropriate pace and intonation of sentences with various pronominal verbs (e.g., “Je me réveille tôt. Tu te réveilles tard”, “Je me suis couché tôt. Tu t’es couché tard”, “Quand je me dépêche, tu prends ton temps”, “Quand tu te reposais, j’ai fait du sport”, “Mais on s’adore, on se comprend!”, “Nous nous appelions régulièrement pour nous dire nos emplois
du temps”, “Dépêchez-vous!”, “Calme-toi cher ami!”).
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use their knowledge of the pronunciation of, for example, liaisons, elisions, silent letters, and accents,
as well as their knowledge of the position of pronouns in sentences, to help them speak more fluently (e.g., “De ce projet : Je ne lui en ai pas parlé. Il t’en a parlé? Je peux leur en parler, si tu veux”; “Ces disques : Léa ne me les offre pas”; “À ce restaurant : Cécile ne les y emmène pas, mais ils voudraient y aller”).
B1.4 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., describe places, objects, people, and feelings using correct forms of sensory adjectives and adverbs; express necessity using the impersonal expressions“il faut que”and“il est important que”followed by the subjonctif présent of high-frequency verbs such as“être”,“aller”,“faire”, and“pouvoir”; identify
the differences in meaning of synonymous nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs; use comparatives and superlatives in conversation about everyday life, such as in comparisons of items to buy)
Teacher prompts: “Comment décris-tu les acteurs de ton film préféré ou un film qui t’a marqué? Explique le choix du film” “Comment justifies-tu à tes parents l’importance de participer à un club ou à une activité?” “Comment fais-tu une distinction entre les deux questions suivantes : Sais-tu le nom du nouvel élève? Connais-tu Michel?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can draw students’ attention to the placement of adjectives, in sentences, before or after a noun (e.g., “un accueil enthousiaste du grand public”, “une nouvelle boutique”, “un bel homme”, “les petits artisans”, “la mode éthique”, “votre première passion”, “une vieille maison blanche”, “une longue entrevue difficile”, “une grande jolie fille”, “des chaussures élégantes confortables”).
(2) Teachers can encourage students to create
a dialogue using the verbs “connaître” and “savoir” in the présent and in past tenses and to distinguish the differences in the meaning and usage of the two verbs (e.g., “Je sais que vous ne pouvez pas venir aujourd’hui, je connais la situation, ne vous inquiétez pas!”, “Connais-tu la géographie de l’Europe?”, “J’ai connu Christine à Genève”, “Est-ce que vous savez faire des crêpes?”).
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of formal and informal situations (e.g., use questions such as“As-tu pensé à ceci?” or “Avez-vous considéré cela?”to encourage others

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