Page 101 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 101

emotion; recount occurrences or events in the past, present, and future, using the correct verb tense)
Teacher prompts: “Quelle est la ponctuation nécessaire pour ce texte?” “Comment peux-tu exprimer tes préférences?” “Quels mots et expressions est-ce que tu peux utiliser pour poser des questions?” “Comment est-ce que tu évites la répétitions des mots dans un texte écrit?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can demonstrate how using
a graphic organizer to sequence personal experiences, events, and activities can help students decide which verb tenses to use in their autobiographical writing.
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use pronouns (e.g., direct-object pronouns “le”, “la”, “les”) in responding to emails to avoid unnecessary repetition of nouns (e.g., “Ah, Alissa! Je ne la vois pas souvent parce que...”).
D2. The Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 Generating, Developing, and Organizing Content: generate, develop, and organize ideas for writing using a variety of pre-writing strategies and resources (e.g., record in a journal possible topics to write about; activate prior know- ledge through peer and group discussion; sort information and ideas into categories using graphic organizers; share ideas with and seek feedback from peers; gather supporting ideas and information from print and electronic sources; pose questions to guide research)
Teacher prompts: “Comment est-ce que tes histoires personnelles (connaissances antérieures) t’aident à créer une liste de sujets possibles pour tes tâches d’écriture?” “Comment est-ce qu’un remue-méninges avec un pair t’aide à dresser une meilleure liste de mots reliés au thème?” “Quels organisateurs graphiques ou schémas préfères-tu quand tu organises des idées, des opinions et des informations avant d’écrire ta première ébauche?” “Pourquoi est-ce que l’étape de la planification est très importante?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model the precise language required to effectively and respectfully contribute ideas during discussions with peers in the planning phase.
(2) Teachers can model the use of tools such as mind maps and concept webs to assist students in generating and expanding upon ideas for writing.
(3) Teachers can encourage students to personalize and adapt class-generated models by adding their own ideas and opinions.
D2.2 Drafting and Revising: plan and produce drafts and revise their work using a variety of teacher-directed and independent strategies (e.g., use an editing checklist; reread their work with a partner to determine whether it is necessary to add or reorder information to improve organization and clarify the message; discuss word choices during peer and teacher conferences and use feedback to help them improve precision; add words from a class word wall or personal lexicon; use a template as a guide when writing a rough draft; develop a word web based on feedback on their drafts; read a piece written by a peer to see whether punctuation supports the message)
Teacher prompts: “Comment est-ce que l’auteur a utilisé les éléments d’un script dans le modèle? Comment est-ce que cela t’aide à écrire ton ébauche?” “Quelles sont les suggestions de
ton camarade de classe? Que vas-tu faire pour améliorer ton texte?” “Comment choisis-tu les stratégies efficaces pour clarifier ton message?” “Comment le fait de lire à haute voix ton texte écrit t’aide-t-il à sélectionner la ponctuation appropriée?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model how to use resources such as thesauri and can encourage students to use such tools to vary vocabulary when revising a first draft.
(2) Teachers can suggest that students create a word bank when revising a peer’s work to help them expand their own vocabulary.
(3) Teachers can support student learning by providing frequent opportunities for peer editing and student-teacher conferences.
(4) Teachers can model how to take point-form ideas from a graphic organizer and explain them in greater detail in a written text.
D2.3 Producing Finished Work: make improve- ments to enhance the clarity and readability of their written work, and use a few elements of effective presentation to produce a polished product for publication (e.g., ensure the images and words on a cover page support the message
of the text; label diagrams, illustrations, and photographs appropriately)
Teacher prompts: “Comment est-ce que la présentation finale de ton document influence la réaction de ton lecteur?” “Comment peux-tu organiser les éléments visuels d’un produit
 Core French

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