Page 78 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 to 12 | First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
P. 78

 Grade 9, Open
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
Sample questions: “What are some locally available materials that First Nations artists in your community use?” “What differences and/ or similarities in materials and techniques can you identify between contemporary ‘formline’ and Woodlands styles of art? How might you use some of these materials or techniques in your own work?”
B3.3 integrate tools, techniques, and/or technolo- gies from more than one arts discipline to create an integrated art work/production that communicates a specific message about an issue affecting First Nations, Métis, or Inuit communities (e.g., create a multimedia work inspired by Aboriginal title and treaty rights or Métis scrip challenges in Canada; create a performance piece about residential schools in Canada, using a digital video backdrop; incorporate music, sound, and poetry to produce a soundscape on the theme of First Nations, Métis, or Inuit and environmental issues)
Sample questions: “What do you wish to communicate to your audience about your chosen topic? What arts disciplines will you draw on? Why do you think these are the most appropriate choices?”
B4. Presentation and Promotion
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 apply current technologies to present integrated art works/productions (e.g., add digitally designed lighting and music to enhance
a dramatic presentation; present a virtual, interactive, and/or web-based version of a live project; present their work in a virtual gallery)
Sample questions: “How can you use technology to support your message?” “Why can a presen- tation in a virtual gallery reach a broader audience than one in a traditional museum
or gallery?”
B4.2 apply appropriate standards, conventions, cultural protocols, and practices associated with the preparation, promotion, and presentation of art works, including integrated art works/ productions, for a variety of purposes (e.g., format works for presentation in a gallery or
for inclusion in a portfolio; use the appropriate procedures and tools to promote a production, including posters, tickets, and programs; write an artist’s statement to accompany their work, acknowledging the First Nations, Métis, or Inuit artist(s) who inspired them; preface their art performance by acknowledging the traditional territory on which it is taking place; make an
offering, provide a small gift, and/or say a prayer to honour all the elements used in the creation of an art work; ask an Elder, Métis Senator, local knowledge keeper, or local knowledge holder to open an art presentation with a smudge, a prayer, or remarks)
Sample questions: “How will you acknowledge the First Nation, Métis, or Inuk artist who inspired your work?” “How might you organize and present the work in your portfolio to highlight the First Nations, Métis, or Inuit perspectives that inform your artistic intent?” “How might you draw your audience’s attention to works by the artist who inspired your dance troupe’s production?” “What information do you need to determine the budget required to present your work in a school or community setting? What record-keeping techniques could you use to document the expenses incurred to present your work and/or income earned from the sale of your work?”
B4.3 modify an art work/production to suit a target audience (e.g., use volume, tone, accent, pace, gesture, and facial expression to reveal character to an audience of children; use direction of gaze to enhance the mood when performing a dance outdoors; use audio software to add sound effects for audience members with visual challenges)
Sample questions: “How will you modify your dance troupe’s presentation so that elementary students will understand and appreciate the story or message?” “How does your choice of target audience influence the way you present and promote your work of art?”

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