Page 257 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 to 12 | First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
P. 257

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Economic, Social, and Technological Trends: demonstrate an understanding of key global economic, social, and technological trends, issues, and developments related to the cultural survival of Indigenous peoples;
C2. Human Rights, Social Justice, and Cultural Survival: demonstrate an understanding of various legal and social factors affecting the human rights of Indigenous peoples, including the role and rights of Indigenous women and children and the relationship between living conditions and human rights;
C3. Political Trends and Power Relations: demonstrate an understanding of the connections between political power and cultural survival, analysing the balance of power in a variety of interactions between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups;
C4. The Concept of Self-Determination: demonstrate an understanding of the concept of self-determination, exploring a variety of perspectives on and arguments for Indigenous sovereignty/self-governance.
C1. Economic,Social,andTechnological Trends
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 analyse a variety of current economic trends, issues, and/or developments affecting the rights of Indigenous peoples around the world, including rights related to traditional lands and territories, water, and natural resources, to determine their connection to cultural survival (e.g., with reference to loss of land as an economic base, resource extraction projects, the pursuit of trade agreements, demand for goods produced under fair and equitable conditions that do not harm the environment, the effects of economic development on water quality)
Sample questions: “How do the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007, and the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989, attempt to protect Indigenous peoples’ rights to land and natural resources? How is this protection related to cultural survival?” “What is the purpose of the 2001 Land Law in Cambodia? How has its imple- mentation and enforcement affected the
economic interests of Indigenous communities?” “Why do many Indigenous individuals think that the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement did not take Indigenous interests into account? How has this agreement affected the basic rights and cultural survival of Indigenous populations in the United States, Mexico, and Canada?”
C1.2 make and explain some connections between language use and cultural survival, drawing
on evidence from Indigenous communities in several different countries (e.g., with reference to the legacy of residential/boarding school systems in North America, Scandinavia, Central and South America, Australia, and/or other regions; globaliza- tion as a factor in sustaining linguistic diversity; the significance of multi-tiered approaches to language revitalization that involve government policy and Indigenous community engagement;
the need to maintain sufficient numbers of Indigenous-language speakers to continue the transmission of cultural knowledge)
Sample questions: “What causes language loss? What impact does it have on human cultural diversity?” “The Intra- and Inter-culturalism and
 Perspectives in a Global Context
Contemporary Indigenous Issues and

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