Page 227 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 to 12 | First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
P. 227

Sample questions: “What concerns do some First Nations communities have about the
Ring of Fire mining project in northern Ontario, and how have these communities attempted to address these concerns? Have constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights been honoured and protected as this project developed? What beliefs and values can you identify in the positions of the communities, land developers, and governments involved in the project? How do these beliefs and values correspond and/or conflict? How might a peaceful resolution be achieved?” “What issues related to land and natural resources was the Métis Betterment Act intended to address? What challenges did the Métis and the province of Alberta face in working within the partner- ship created by the Act? What were some benefits?”
C2.4 analyse several different First Nations, Métis, and Inuit initiatives to address language loss to determine how these initiatives support traditional values and community aspirations (e.g., with reference to using language nests, using digital technology to teach language, introducing apprenticeship programs to encourage language revitalization, supporting local school boards in offering language programs, developing language programs in on-reserve schools, establishing language acquisition as a priority in community planning and development)
Sample questions: “What are some benefits of offering immersion classes in an Indigenous language in a First Nation, Métis, or Inuit community?” “How do language nests support traditional values?” “What connections can you make between language preservation and cultural resilience?” “How does a unified writing system support Inuit language and cultural revitalization?” “For decades, Michif has been labelled as ‘broken’ French. How has that perception influenced use of the language? What strategies are being used to foster a better understanding of the Michif language? How might this support Métis aspirations?”
C2.5 analyse a variety of forms and uses of contemporary technology, media, and popular culture (e.g., graphic novels, photography, social media, music, digital and print magazines) in terms of how they support and/or promote First Nations, Métis, and Inuit knowledge, world views, aspirations, and actions in the context of social change
Sample questions: “What role do you think Indigenous journalists have in drawing attention to murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls in Canada? How have Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities responded?” “Why do you think Red Rising Magazine refers to itself as a movement? How do its digital and print media complement each other?
How does this use of technology support First Nations aspirations?” “How does the work
of film-maker Alanis Obomsawin embody the goals of decolonization?” “What examples can you find of youth using social media to support or promote Métis world views? In your opinion, are their actions an example of social change
or of cultural continuity? What evidence can you provide?”
 World Views and Aspirations of First Nations,
Métis, and Inuit Communities in Canada

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