Page 102 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 to 12 | First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
P. 102

 Grade 10, Open
        THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
Sample questions: “In what ways did Pontiac’s War contribute to the enactment of the Royal Proclamation?” “What was the climate between First Nations and British colonial authorities at the time the proclamation was signed? Did the proclamation improve relations between these groups?” “What was the short- and long-term impact of the proclamation with respect to Indigenous lands in Canada?”
D1.4 explain the significance of the Treaty of Niagara of 1764, with particular reference to how it confirmed and extended a nation-to-nation relationship between the Crown and First Nations peoples (e.g., how the treaty built on the Royal Proclamation of 1763; how it confirmed First Nations’ rights and sovereignty)
Sample question: “Why is the Treaty of Niagara of 1764 considered to be one of the most funda- mental agreements between First Nations and the Crown?”
D2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation
FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and Consequence
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe some key developments relating to westward colonial/Canadian territorial expansion during this period, and analyse the impact on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals and communities (e.g., with reference to the establish- ment of the Red River colony; the issuance of Métis scrip; the increase in Métis political power in Manitoba; railway building; Métis hostilities with the HBC, British settlers, and the Sioux; the creation of the colony of British Columbia; the formation of the North West Mounted Police; assertion of federal control in the West; the European and American expansion of whaling operations in the Northwest; the influx of Chinese labourers in the West)
Sample questions: “What role did First Nations and Métis men, women, and children play in western colonial expansion during this period?” “How did the transfer of Rupert’s Land from the HBC to the Crown affect Indigenous communities in this territory?”
D2.2 describe some key Indigenous policies of British colonial and dominion governments during this period, and explain their significance for Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous Canadians (e.g., with reference to the British granting large tracts of land in Labrador to the Moravian Church; bounties for the killing of Beothuks; the Act for the Protection of the Indians in Upper Canada, 1839; the Gradual Civilization
Act, 1857; the Constitution Act, 1867, section 91[24]; the Manitoba Act, 1870, sections 31 and 32, and Métis land grants; provisions promised and those actually provided for Plains First Nations)
Sample questions: “Why was the British colonial government unwilling to evict non- Indigenous settlers squatting in First Nations and Métis territories? How do you think government indifference to settler encroachment affected settler and Indigenous beliefs about who had a right to the land?” “What impact did the arrival of Christian missions at Nain have on the Labrador Inuit?” “What were the consequences of government regulation of food supplies for some Plains First Nations?”
D2.3 identify key treaties of relevance to Indigenous peoples in Canada during this period, including wampum belts exchanged, and explain their significance for different peoples and commun- ities in Canada (e.g., with reference to the Niagara Treaty and the Covenant Chain wampum of 1764; the British-Inuit Treaty, 1765; the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 1784; the Haldimand Tract Grant, 1784; the Treaty of Greenville, 1795; the Jay Treaty, 1794; the Huron Tract, 1827; the Mississaugas of New Credit Land Succession Agreements; the Manitoulin Island Treaties, 1836 and 1862; the Robinson Superior and Robinson Huron treaties, 1850; the numbered treaties dating from this period [Nos. 1–6])
Sample questions: “What was the significance of some international peace treaties, such as the 1783 Treaty of Paris or the 1814 Treaty of Ghent, for Indigenous peoples in colonial Canada?” “What was the purpose of the Longwoods Treaty of 1822? Why is this treaty still relevant to the Chippewa in Ontario today?” “Why might First Nations and non-Indigenous Canadians have different perspectives on the Treaty of Niagara and the exchange of the Covenant Chain belt in 1764?” “What was the significance of the British-Inuit Treaty of 1765? Why did the Inuit and British decide to sign a treaty?”
D2.4 analyse historical statistics and other sources to identify changes to populations and settle- ment patterns in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit traditional territories during this period, and explain the significance of these patterns (e.g., the impact on Cree and/or Métis settlement and migration patterns of the transfer of Rupert’s Land to the Crown; population changes on Vancouver Island before and after the signing of the Vancouver Island treaties; the impact of epidemics on the Blackfoot Confederacy and the Shoshoni; the consequences for Plains First Nations and Métis
of the decimation of the buffalo)

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