Page 91 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 91

 Spelling Strategies
3.2 use a variety of spelling strategies to spell words accurately (e.g., divide words into syllables; use familiar logographic symbols [@, &, $, ¢, TM]; apply knowledge of rules for forming plurals, contractions, and possessives; confirm spellings in learner dictionaries)
4. Using the Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
Using Pre-writing Strategies
4.1 use a variety of pre-writing strategies to gen- erate vocabulary and develop and organize ideas for writing (e.g., use guiding questions
to identify the purpose and audience for a piece of writing; engage in timed writing activities; organize information from reading or research using a Venn diagram or flow chart; use English or their first language to develop ideas)
Producing Drafts
4.2 produce draft pieces of writing using a num- ber of strategies and models (e.g., a teacher- modelled think-aloud process; templates or exemplars; information organizers such as webs, charts, and tables)
Revising and Editing
4.3 revise, edit, and proofread drafts using a variety of teacher-directed and independent strategies (e.g., use a posted list of guiding ques- tions for revision; read work in an author’s circle to receive constructive comments; use word lists and other sources to extend and enrich word choice)
Teacher prompt: “What similar words or phrases could you use to bring more variety to your writing?”
4.4 use a variety of elements of effective presenta- tion to publish a final product (e.g., point-form layout to summarize key ideas; bolding, italics, or underlining for emphasis; different text layouts to suit different forms of writing)
4.5 identify and use a variety of writing strategies before, during, and after writing, and reflect after writing on those they found most help- ful (e.g., choose appropriate graphic organizers from a list to order ideas for specific writing purposes)
Teacher prompt: “Which graphic organizers are most helpful in organizing ideas for this particular piece of writing?
English as a Second Language

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