Page 65 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 65

 Connecting Devices
2.3 identify a few simple connecting devices and transition words that are used to show rela- tionships among ideas in simple texts (e.g., numbered or bulleted steps in a process or list; transition words such as“and”,“but”,“then”, “because”)
Grammatical Structures
2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the gram- matical structures of English used in texts appropriate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ESL Level 1 on pages 68–69)
3. Developing Vocabulary
By the end of this course, students will:
Vocabulary Building Strategies
3.1 use a few simple vocabulary acquisition strategies to build vocabulary (e.g., use pictures and illustrations to clarify meaning; make word lists of personally relevant vocabulary [“locker”, “hockey”,“mosque”]; compile thematic lists of key concept vocabulary for classroom study [“journal”,“topic”,“assessment”]; use bilingual stories to infer meanings of English words)
Teacher prompt: “What strategies help you (what do you do) to learn and remember new words?”
Word Recognition Strategies
3.2 recognize simple patterns of word structure and use them to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words (e.g., regular and irregular plural noun endings, regular present and past tense verb endings, regular comparative and superlative adjective endings)
Use of Resources
3.3 use a few different resources to determine and/or confirm the meaning of unfamiliar words (e.g., use pictorial and bilingual diction- aries, classroom word walls, and personal word banks to confirm or clarify meaning; check meaning with a first-language partner)
4. Developing Research Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
Locating Information
4.1 locate key information relating to the school and community in a variety of simple texts (e.g., posters, notices, telephone directories, web- sites, schedules, diagrams, maps, first-language sources such as multilingual school handbooks)
Extracting and Organizing Information
4.2 extract and organize key facts from informa- tional texts designed or adapted for beginning learners of English (e.g., find words in learner dictionaries by using alphabetical order; complete a simple chart of First Nation peoples in Canada and the regions where they originated)
Critical Thinking
4.3 identify the source of information used (e.g., Ministry of Transportation map of Ontario; Citizenship and Immigration Canada brochure; Internet schedule of local transit company; store or company flyer)
English as a Second Language

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