Page 54 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 54

Literacy, mathematical literacy, and inquiry/research skills are critical to students’ success in all subject areas of the curriculum and in all areas of their lives.
The Ministry of Education has produced or supported the production of a variety of liter- acy resource documents that teachers may find helpful as they plan programs based on expectations outlined in this curriculum document. These resource documents include the following:
Think Literacy Success, Grades 7–12: Report of the Expert Panel on Students at Risk in Ontario, 2003
Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7–12 – Reading, Writing, Communicating, 2003
Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7–12 – Subject-Specific Examples: Media, Grades 7–10, 2005
Think Literacy: Teacher Librarians, Grades 7–9
Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7–12 – Subject-Specific Examples: English as a Second Language/English Literacy Development, Part I, 2004
Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7–12 – Subject-Specific Examples: English as a Second Language/English Literacy Development, Part II, 2005
The ESL and ELD curriculum reinforces and enhances certain aspects of the mathematics curriculum. For example, clear, concise communication often involves the use of dia- grams, charts, tables, and graphs, and the ESL and ELD curriculum emphasizes stu- dents’ ability to understand, interpret, and use graphic texts. Teachers may find the fol- lowing resources useful in this context:
Leading Math Success: Mathematical Literacy, Grades 7–12: The Report of the Expert Panel on Student Success in Ontario
TIPS for English Language Learners in Mathematics, Grades 7, 8, 9 Applied, 10 Applied
All of the resources cited are available on the Ministry of Education website, at
Inquiry is at the heart of learning in all subject areas. In ESL and ELD courses, students will develop their ability to pose questions and to explore a variety of possible answers to those questions. Students will develop research skills in order to locate, extract, and organize information for learning projects and goals. They will learn how to locate rele- vant information in a variety of print and electronic sources, including books and articles, manuals, newspapers, websites, databases, tables, diagrams, and charts. As they advance through the course levels, students will be expected to use these sources with increasing sophistication, including acquiring the ability to reword information to avoid plagiarism.
They will also be expected to cite and evaluate critically the sources they use in their research.

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