Page 167 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 167

 Sound Patterns
3.2 use appropriately a wide variety of pronunci- ation, stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns of spoken English to communicate both explicit and implicit meaning accurately (e.g., stress the content words in a sentence to clarify meaning [I read the book last night]; use pitch and volume appropriately to indicate emphasis and/or emotions [surprise, joy, annoyance]; use tone and volume to clarify implied messages in rap lyrics)
Communication Strategies
3.3 use a wide variety of oral communication strategies to bridge gaps in spoken commu- nication (e.g., notice and correct slips and errors; anticipate misunderstandings and rephrase to avoid or correct them; use circumlocution and paraphrase to compensate for incomplete know- ledge of vocabulary and grammar)
Teacher prompt: “If you don’t know the word(s) for something, what strategies can you use to help get your meaning across?”
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