Page 149 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 149

 • confirm understanding of texts after they have read them (e.g., participate in literature circles; use graphic organizers to compare and contrast two texts; write a summary; work in a small group to create questions about a text for a class game)
Teacher prompt: “What can you do when you don’t understand a word?
Text Features
2.2 identify a number of features of adapted and simple authentic texts, and use them to aid or increase comprehension (e.g., different fonts, italics, boldface type, bullets, table of contents, chapter titles, labelled diagrams)
Connecting Devices
2.3 identify a number of connecting devices and transition words and phrases that are used to show relationships among ideas in adapted and simple authentic texts (e.g., as, when, if, while; first of all, secondly, as well, finally)
Grammatical Structures
2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the gramma- tical structures of English and conventions of print used in texts appropriate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ELD Level 3 on page 152)
3. Developing Vocabulary
By the end of this course, students will:
Vocabulary Building Strategies
3.1 use a number of vocabulary acquisition strat- egies to build vocabulary (e.g., complete graphic organizers of word families, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms; use memory and visualization strategies to learn new words; refer to learner dictionaries; play a variety of word games)
Word Recognition Strategies
3.2 use knowledge of familiar patterns of word structure to determine the meaning and pro- nunciation of unfamiliar words and expres- sions (e.g., use common prefixes and suffixes to deduce meaning; identify word families; apply knowledge of the adverb ending“ly”to assist with pronunciation)
Use of Resources
3.3 use a number of resources to build vocabulary and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words (e.g., simplified print and online ency- clopaedias, a classroom word wall showing how prefixes and suffixes extend word families, a personal word list of simple phrasal verbs and their prepositions)
4. Developing Research Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
Locating Information
4.1 locate information in adapted and simple authentic texts pre-selected in collaboration with the teacher-librarian (e.g., e-zines, brochures, simplified newspaper and magazine articles, simplified print and online encyclo- paedias, websites)
Extracting and Organizing Information
4.2 extract, record, and organize information from adapted and simple authentic texts for a vari- ety of purposes (e.g., make point-form notes, cue cards, and poster boards to prepare for oral presentations; complete a concept web for a guided-research project)
Critical Thinking
4.3 identify sources of information from research, and discuss the reliability of the information, with teacher support (e.g., newspapers, enter- tainment tabloids, personal blogs, books from school and public libraries, flyers, brochures)
Teacher prompts: “Who makes decisions about what information is published in newspapers?” “Can you believe everything that is said in an advertisement? Why?”
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