Page 140 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 140

 Grade 11E,LDUnLieverls2it,yOPpreenparation
 1. use English and non-verbal communication strategies appropriately in a variety of social contexts;
2. demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship, and of the
contributions of diverse groups to Canadian society;
3. demonstrate knowledge of and adaptation to the Ontario education system;
4. demonstrate an understanding of, interpret, and create a variety of media texts.
 1. Using English in Socially and Culturally Appropriate Ways
 3. Adapting to School Life in Ontario
 2. Developing Awareness of Canada, Citizenship, and Diversity
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
1.1 determine and use the appropriate language register in a number of social and classroom contexts (e.g., offer and/or accept apologies to/from a peer; communicate suggestions and requests to teachers or classmates; disagree politely with an adult)
Non-verbal Communication
1.2 use non-verbal communication cues appro- priately in a number of different contexts (e.g., eye contact, gestures, physical distance/proximity, handshakes)
By the end of this course, students will:
Knowledge About Canada
2.1 demonstrate knowledge of some Canadian celebrations and sites of historical, social, or civic significance (e.g., Canada Day, Remem- brance Day, Victoria Day, Thanksgiving Day; the federal Parliament Buildings, the Peace Tower, Queen’s Park, local memorials, provincial and national parks, tourist attractions)
Canadian Citizenship
2.2 demonstrate knowledge of some basic facts about Canadian citizenship (e.g., the words to the national anthem, the symbolism of the Canadian flag, the principle of free speech, the concept of multiculturalism, the rights and responsibilities of community members)
Canadian Diversity
2.3 demonstrate an awareness of the variety of languages and cultures represented in the school community (e.g., map the countries of origin of classmates; make graphs of the first languages used in the school)
By the end of this course, students will:
Knowledge of the Ontario Secondary School System
3.1 describe some features of the Ontario second- ary school system (e.g., kinds of secondary schools and types of secondary school courses, the credit system, field-trip procedures, immu- nization requirements)
Study Skills and Strategies
3.2 use a few appropriate study skills and time- management and goal-setting strategies to carry out learning tasks (e.g., use a planner/agenda to record homework and other assignments; draw up and follow a schedule to help complete assignments on time and make up

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