Page 137 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 137

 Teacher prompts: “How does the title help you to understand what you are going to read?” “Can you imagine what the character in the story looks like? What words in the text describe the character?”
Text Features
2.2 identify some key features of simple texts and use them to determine meaning (e.g., title, author, numbered steps in a set of instructions, chronological order in a narrative, charts, icons)
Teacher prompt: “Were the instructions for the recipe clear and easy to follow? Why or why not?”
Connecting Devices
2.3 identify some simple connecting devices and transition words and phrases that are used to show relationships among ideas in simple texts (e.g., because, so; first, next, then, after; first of all)
Grammatical Structures
2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the gram- matical structures of English and conventions of print used in texts appropriate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ELD
Level 2 on pages 140–141)
3. Developing Vocabulary
By the end of this course, students will:
Vocabulary Building Strategies
3.1 use some basic vocabulary acquisition strat- egies to build vocabulary (e.g., make thematic word lists to classify words; record new words in a personal dictionary; play simple word games)
Word Recognition Strategies
3.2 use knowledge of simple patterns of word structure to determine the meaning of unfa- miliar words (e.g., irregular plural noun end- ings, regular present and past verb tense endings, comparative and superlative adjective endings, familiar words within compound words)
Use of Resources
3.3 use some different resources to build vocabu- lary and determine the meaning of new words (e.g., consult informational picture texts, atlases, and learner dictionaries; check meaning with a partner)
4. Developing Research Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
Locating Information
4.1 locate information in simple texts relating to the school and community, and connect it to personal experiences and previous reading (e.g., picture dictionaries, telephone directories, posters, the Internet, atlases, graphic texts, flyers)
Extracting and Organizing Information
4.2 extract, record, and organize information from a variety of teacher-selected resources (e.g., complete a simple weather chart)
Critical Thinking
4.3 identify sources of information used for a variety of everyday purposes (e.g., local transit schedules, Ministry of Transportation maps, tele- phone directories, flyers, public service brochures, websites, newspapers)
English Literacy Development

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