Page 111 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 111

  3. Developing Accuracy in Speaking
By the end of this course, students will:
Grammatical Structures
3.1 use correctly the grammatical structures of spoken English appropriate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ESL Level 5 on pages 116–117)
Teacher prompt: “Look at these two sen- tences. How could you combine them into one using a relative pronoun from the list on the word wall?”
Sound Patterns
3.2 use appropriately a wide variety of pronuncia- tion, stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns
of spoken English to communicate meaning accurately (e.g., stress key content words to clari- fy meaning [“I read a book last night” versus
“I read the book last night”]; use appropriate pitch and volume to indicate emphasis or to show surprise or other emotions)
Communication Strategies
3.3 use a wide variety of circumlocution, clarifica- tion, repair, and monitoring strategies to bridge gaps in spoken communication (e.g., identify and correct slips and errors that may have caused misunderstandings; use circumlocution and para- phrase to compensate for gaps in knowledge of vocabulary and grammar)
English as a Second Language

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