Page 25 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 25

  Building Writing Skills
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate the ability to use the writing process by generating and organizing ideas and producing first drafts, revised drafts, and final polished pieces to complete a variety of writing tasks;
• useknowledgeofwritingforms,andoftheconnectionsbetweenform,audience,and purpose, to write summaries, information paragraphs, opinion pieces (i.e., series of paragraphs expressing an opinion), news reports, and personal reflections, incorporating graphic elements where necessary and appropriate.
Specific Expectations
Using the Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the topic, the audience, the pur- pose for writing, and the requirements of the particular writing form;
– use pre-writing strategies to generate ideas for writing (e.g., brainstorming; construct- ing mind maps and semantic webs);
– use oral language skills, in English or a first language, to develop content for writing (e.g., discuss prior knowledge of the topic and experiences for writing; ask questions to clarify instructions; share ideas for writ- ing with peers);
– use appropriate strategies for gathering supporting ideas and information from print and electronic sources (e.g., pose questions to guide their search; make jot notes to record information in their own words; assess the accuracy and relevance of information and the reliability of sources);
– use appropriate strategies to organize ideas and information for writing (e.g., sort ideas into categories for an information paragraph; use a checklist to plan an inci- dent report; create headings to guide the writing of a résumé; create an outline with an introduction/topic sentence, body, and conclusion);
– create a first draft that includes the main and supporting ideas in the required form (e.g., that uses distinct paragraphs where the form requires);
– revise drafts to ensure that ideas are pre- sented in a logical order, to discard irrele- vant ideas and information, to add details where information is insufficient, and to ensure a tone and level of language appro- priate to the audience and purpose, using appropriate strategies (e.g., use checklists; discuss the draft with a peer or the teacher);
– quote and/or cite information from sources accurately, and acknowledge all sources of ideas and information used in written work;
– use appropriate strategies to edit written work (e.g., read aloud to detect errors; correct errors using personal checklists of “look-fors”, a shared word/grammar wall, a personal grammar guide, and/or com- puter spelling and grammar programs) to achieve accuracy in the use of the conven- tions of standard Canadian English, including the requirements of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation listed below:

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