Page 98 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 98

 Conventions and Techniques
3.3 identify several different conventions and/or techniques appropriate to a media form they plan to use, and explain how these will help them communicate meaning (e.g., brochure conventions/techniques: a list of frequently asked questions [FAQs]; contact details for related resource persons and organizations)
Teacher prompt: “What are some conventions used to create suspense in a ghost story told by a campfire? What conventions and tech- niques might be used to create suspense in a short film version of the same story?”
Producing Media Texts
3.4 produce media texts for several different pur- poses and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques (e.g., a brochure for students outlining how to be successful on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test [OSSLT])
Teacher prompts: “How would you design and illustrate the cover of a program for the school play?” “What techniques would you use to promote and generate interest in a school charity event on the morning announcements?”
4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
4.1 describe several different strategies they used in interpreting and creating media texts, explain which ones they found most helpful, and identify several specific steps they can take to improve as media interpreters and producers (e.g., explain how the ability to identify various kinds of stereotypes in ads – of families, teenagers, Aboriginal people, religious groups – helped them to create their own ads without stereotypes)
Teacher prompt: “Which viewing strategies helped you to identify the filmmaker’s main message in the documentary film? Why were these strategies effective?”
Interconnected Skills
4.2 explain how their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing help them interpret and produce media texts (e.g., the ability to write up a procedure can help them organize and present information clearly in a public service announcement)
Teacher prompt: “How would listening skills help you in producing an oral history film documentary?”

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