Page 94 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: English, 2007 (Revised)
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 in your text have come from your own expe- rience?” “Should you acknowledge and try to answer a possible counter-argument in your conclusion?”
2.6 revise drafts to improve the content, organiza- tion, clarity, and style of their written work, using a variety of teacher-modelled strategies (e.g., change the order of sentences for a more logical development of the argument; use a checklist to ensure that all the important infor- mation is included in a poster advertising an event; identify a weak or inappropriate image
in their poem and substitute a stronger or more appropriate image; identify and replace overused words and trite expressions3 )
Teacher prompts: “Do you have your ideas in the best order?” “Have you included the nec- essary information about the date, time, and place of the concert? Is there any other factu- al information you should include?”
Producing Drafts
2.7 produce revised drafts of both simple and complex texts written to meet criteria identi- fied by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations (e.g., adequate development of information and ideas, logical organization, appropriate use of form and style, appropriate use of conventions)
Teacher prompt: “Refer to your checklist as you prepare your final draft. Have you fol- lowed all the instructions for writing up the interview?”
3. Applying Knowledge of Conventions
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 use knowledge of spelling rules and patterns, several different types of resources, and appro- priate strategies to spell familiar and new words correctly (e.g., use word walls and refer- ence lists to check spelling; 4 use knowledge of root words, prefixes, and suffixes to spell longer words;5 use understanding of sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and generalizations about spelling to identify and correct misspellings 6)
Teacher prompt: “Which word would you add to the word wall? Are you adding it because of its difficulty or because of its usefulness?”
3.2 build vocabulary for writing by confirming word meaning(s) and reviewing word choice, using several different types of resources
and strategies, as appropriate for the purpose (e.g., refer to classroom word walls; 7 confirm or adjust meaning by relating words to their con- text; check word choice by locating entry words, pronunciation keys, prefixes, and information about word origins in online and print dictionar- ies, including thematic dictionaries such as a sci- ence dictionary or a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms;8 use bilingual or first-language dictionaries to find new words to express an idea9)
Teacher prompt: “What resources would you check in order to find a word that is more suitable? How can you be sure of the word’s meaning?”
3.3 use punctuation correctly to communicate their intended meaning (e.g., use commas to separate introductory phrases from the main part of a sentence and to separate words, phrases, and clauses in a series; use appropriate punctua- tion to indicate abbreviations and acronyms)
Teacher prompt: “How do we indicate that this is a short form?”
3.4 use grammar conventions correctly to commu- nicate their intended meaning clearly (e.g., write complete and correct simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences;10 consistently make verbs agree with subjects, and pronouns agree with antecedents )
Teacher prompt: “Can you combine those two simple sentences to express the idea more effectively?”
3.5 proofread and correct their writing, using guidelines developed with the teacher and peers (e.g., use a highlighter to identify ques- tionable words or phrases that need to be checked for correct usage; 11 review drafts using an editing checklist specific to the writing task)
Teacher prompt: “When you read through your paragraph, what weak spots do you notice? What spelling should you check?”
   3. TLCC 7-12 “Revising and Editing: Asking Questions to Revise Writing” 128 4. TLCC 7-12 “Creating a Word Wall” 30 5. TLE 7-9 “Sample Roots and Prefixes” 54 6. TLE 7-9 “Spelling Strategies Inventory” 51 7. TLCC 7-12 “Creating a Word Wall” 30
8. TLE 7-9 “Sample Roots and Prefixes” 54 9. TLCC 7-12 “Using Context to Find Meaning” 38 10. TLE 10-12 “Sentence Starters” 48 11. TLE 7-9 “Writing with Precision” 46

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