Page 82 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 82

 power (e.g., explain the perspectives evident in the covers of a selection of novels featured in the school’s English program; comment on the point of view evident in a television news story, iden- tifying other possible points of view; analyse
the text and images in a major department store’s website to identify groups and occupa- tions that are represented and those that are nowhere evident)
Teacher prompts: “Based on the book’s cover, who do you think is its target audience? What elements make you think that?” “What does this bumper sticker tell us about the car’s owner?”
Production Perspectives
1.6 explain how a variety of production, marketing, and distribution factors influence the media industry (e.g., suggest reasons why a film com- pany is using the marketing strategies revealed on its website to market a specific new release; suggest reasons why particular products are advertised in a specific magazine)
Teacher prompts: “How do animated films help promote toy sales?” “Which magazines do you read? Where do you get your maga- zines? Which products are promoted in the magazine? Who owns the magazines?”
By the end of this course, students will:
2.1 identify general and specific characteristics of a variety of media forms and explain how they shape content and create meaning (e.g., identify the features offered in an online version of a news- paper that are not provided in the print version, and vice versa;4 suggest what type of content is appropriate for a podcast and explain why)
Teacher prompt: “In what ways might a movie review on a television show differ from a review in a magazine?”
Conventions and Techniques
2.2 identify conventions and/or techniques used in a variety of media forms and explain how they convey meaning and influence their audi- ence (e.g., the use of visual irony in political cartoons;5 the use of symbols as well as words to convey health and safety warnings on a range of product packages)
Teacher prompt: “What are some ways that lighting is used in film or television dramas to influence the viewer’s perception of a character?”
3. Creating Media Texts
By the end of this course, students will:
Purpose and Audience
3.1 describe the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts they plan to create (e.g., a web page presenting a personal anthology of poetry to their peers), and identify significant challenges they may face in achieving their purpose
Teacher prompt: “How could you identify an effective way to make poetry more appealing for a particular group of people?”
3.2 select a media form to suit the topic, purpose, and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice (e.g., explain why a posting on a video- sharing website would be the best way to promote a new song)
Teacher prompt: “What media form would be an effective way to persuade people to wear eye protection during sports activities?”
Conventions and Techniques
3.3 identify a variety of conventions and/or tech- niques appropriate to a media form they plan to use, and explain how these will help them communicate specific aspects of their intended meaning (e.g., product packaging conventions/ techniques: illustrations and familiar or easy-to- interpret symbols and icons to assist in product identification)
Teacher prompt: “What are some conventions/ techniques used in tattoo design, and what is their [communicative] purpose?”
Producing Media Texts
3.4 produce media texts for a variety of purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, con- ventions, and techniques (e.g., a sports magazine cover for a teenage audience; posters promoting their independent reading selections for display in the school library; a commercial promoting the contributions of Aboriginal people6)
Teacher prompt: “What product could you create to raise funds for an international social justice cause?”
  2. Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques
  4. TL Media 7-10 “Reading Between the Lines (Predictions)” 10
5. TL Media 7-10 “Exploring the Key Concepts of Media Literacy” 2
6. TL Media 7-10 “Producing a Public Service Announcement” 18

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