Page 66 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 66

3.6 use a few different presentation features, including print and script, fonts, graphics,
and layout, to improve the clarity of their writ- ten work (e.g., select an appropriate graphic to illustrate a contribution to the class newspaper; use computer design software and graphics to produce items such as a promotional flyer for
a movie or trading cards depicting mythological figures)
Teacher prompts: “How could you make your work look more attractive to a reader?” “Would the visuals help the reader understand the text better if they were positioned differently?”
Producing Finished Works
3.7 produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations (e.g., adequate development of information and ideas, logical organization, appropriate use of form and style, appropriate use of conventions 8)
Teacher prompt: “How do you know when your work is finished and can’t be further improved?”
By the end of this course, students will:
4.1 describe a few different strategies they used before, during, and after writing; explain which ones they found most helpful; and identify steps they can take to improve as writers (e.g., explain the benefits of sharing ideas in small groups about how to get started and/or what to try when they are stuck)
Teacher prompts: “What strategy do you use most frequently to get started on a writing assignment? How effective is it?” “When you have difficulty with a writing assignment, what do you do?” “What have you learned about your use of time that you will keep in mind for the next writing assignment?”
Interconnected Skills
4.2 identify some of their skills in listening, speak- ing, reading, viewing, and representing and explain how the skills help them write more effectively (e.g., describe how their own writing has been improved by listening to the work of others)
Teacher prompt: “When you listen to the news on the radio, does it help you under- stand how news stories are structured? Do you see how the news reporter conveys the most important information to the listener at the beginning of each story?”
4.3 select several pieces of writing that they think reflect their growth and competence as writers and explain the reasons for their choice (e.g., identify examples that show their ability to use their expanded vocabulary in written work)
Teacher prompt: “How has your writing changed from last year, when you were in Grade 8? What reasons can you suggest to explain the difference?”
 4. ReflectingonSkillsand Strategies
 8. TLCC 7-12 “Adding Details” 118; “Supporting the Main Idea” 112

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