Page 90 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 90

 Critical Literacy
1.5 identify the perspectives and/or biases evident in both simple and complex media texts, and comment on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, and identity (e.g., identify the values suggested by depictions of destina- tions in travel brochures and on websites; describe common features of portrayals of Aboriginal peoples in Canadian media and the impression they create)
Teacher prompts: “Why do you think these travel brochures depict the local residents in ‘exotic’ clothing or situations? What is the intended effect on potential customers?” “What pictures might have been deliberately left out of these brochures, and why?” “What insights did you gain about Aboriginal peoples from this film by an Aboriginal filmmaker? How did portrayals in it differ from depictions you’ve seen in news reports and the popular media?”
Production Perspectives
1.6 explain how several different production, marketing, and distribution factors influence the media industry (e.g., identify and explain factors that influence decisions about which movies will be made, including factors such as the potential for product placements and/or profitable“spin-offs”like toys or fashions)
Teacher prompt: “Can you give some examples of the use of ‘product placement’ in television shows? What is its purpose?”
By the end of this course, students will:
2.1 identify general characteristics of several dif- ferent media forms and explain how they shape content and create meaning (e.g., radio dramas use sound effects to create mental pic- tures for listeners; photographs of food in adver- tising use visual signals – of steam rising, cheese melting, and so on – to suggest taste sensations to viewers;4 music videos use images and various film and editing techniques to present visual interpretations of popular songs)
Teacher prompts: “Why do you think the film version of a story left out particular scenes and/or details that were in the book?” “Do the visual elements in this music video emphasize a particular aspect of the song, or represent a particular interpretation of the
lyrics? Does the interpretation of the song in the video differ from your own interpretation of it? In what way?”
Conventions and Techniques
2.2 identify several different conventions and/or techniques used in familiar media forms and explain how they convey meaning and influ- ence their audience (e.g., movie ads in newspa- pers and DVD covers cite reviewers’ quotes, star ratings, and Oscar nominations to convince potential customers a movie is worth seeing; framing, camera angle, lighting, and editing are techniques used in filmmaking to convey mean- ing and create mood)
Teacher prompts: “Why does a newspaper start several stories on the front page and continue them on inside pages?” “How do the advertisements in a newspaper relate to the content of a particular section?” “What effect did the fast-paced music and editing have in this scene of the movie?”
3. Creating Media Texts
By the end of this course, students will:
Purpose and Audience
3.1 describe the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts they plan to create (e.g., a poster to caution workers about the need for safe storage and handling of hazardous materials), and iden- tify specific challenges they may face in achieving their purpose
Teacher prompt: “What kind of ad campaign might help persuade jobless young people to seek training to acquire marketable skills?”
3.2 select a media form to suit the topic, purpose, and audience for a media text they plan to cre- ate and explain why it is an appropriate choice (e.g., explain why a poster would be a good way to inform students about safety procedures to
be followed in the science lab; explain why an e-zine is a good way to publicize and celebrate the work of student writers, photographers, and illustrators)
Teacher prompt: “What media form might be most effective for a presentation on work- place safety?”
  2. Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques
 4. TL Media 7-10 “Reading Between the Lines (Predictions)” 10

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