Page 74 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 74

 Teacher prompts: “What elements do you need to include in the liner notes for a CD?” “Will your commercial reflect the conven- tions that you identified in these two current breakfast cereal commercials?”
Producing Media Texts
3.4 produce media texts for a variety of purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, con- ventions, and techniques (e.g., an infomercial about a line of fitness equipment, using the con- ventions of the genre and techniques of persua- sion effective for an adult male audience; a video about effective and ineffective interview skills for students)
Teacher prompt: “What type of media text would you create to promote cooking as a worthwhile and enjoyable activity for both males and females?”
4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
4.1 describe a variety of strategies they used in interpreting and creating media texts, explain which ones they found most helpful, and identify appropriate steps they can take to improve as media interpreters and producers (e.g., explain how the repeated viewing of a media text gave them a deeper understanding of its structure and meaning)
Teacher prompt: “What strategies did you use to detect bias in the news story?”
Interconnected Skills
4.2 explain how their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing help them interpret and produce media texts (e.g., researching and writ- ing an outline of the advantages and drawbacks of a product can help them produce an effective infomercial for the product)
Teacher prompt: “How could your skimming and scanning reading skills help you deter- mine how to represent a novel’s characters in a cover illustration?”

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