Page 6 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
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The English curriculum takes into account that students in Ontario come from a wide variety of backgrounds and that every student has a unique set of perspectives, strengths, and needs. Instructional strategies and resources that recognize and reflect the diversity in the classroom and that suit individual strengths and needs are therefore critical to student success. Reading activities should expose students to materials that reflect the diversity of Canadian and world cultures, including those of Aboriginal peoples. Students also need to become familiar with the works of recognized writers from their own and earlier eras. By reading a wide range of materials and being challenged by what they read, students become receptive to new and widely varying ideas and perspectives, and develop their ability to think independently and critically.
Research has shown that when students are given opportunities to choose what they read and what they write about, they are more likely to discover and pursue their own interests. In keeping with this finding, the curriculum requires that students select some of the texts they read and decide on the topic, purpose, and audience for some of the works they produce.
Research has also shown that effective readers and writers unconsciously apply a range of skills and strategies as they read and write. By identifying and explicitly teaching these skills and strategies, teachers enable all students to become effective communicators. The English curriculum focuses on comprehension strategies for listening, viewing, and reading; on the most effective reading and writing processes; on skills and techniques for effective oral and written communication and for the creation of effective media texts; and on the language conventions needed for clear and coherent communication. In addition, it empha- sizes the use of higher-level thinking skills, including critical literacy skills, to enable students to understand, appreciate, and evaluate what they read and view at a deeper level, and to help them become reflective, critical, and independent learners.
In implementing this curriculum, teachers will help students to see that language skills are lifelong learning skills that will enable them to better understand themselves and others, unlock their potential as human beings, find fulfilling careers, and become responsible world citizens.
Students have many responsibilities with regard to their learning. Students who make the effort required to succeed in school and who are able to apply themselves will soon discover that there is a direct relationship between this effort and their achievement, and will therefore be more motivated to work. There will be some students, however, who will find it more difficult to take responsibility for their learning because of special challenges they face. The attention, patience, and encouragement of teachers can be extremely impor- tant to these students’ success. However, taking responsibility for their own progress and learning is an important part of education for all students, regardless of their circumstances.
Mastering the concepts and skills connected with the language curriculum requires work, study, and the development of cooperative skills. In addition, students who actively pursue opportunities outside the classroom will extend and enrich their understanding of the communication process. Their understanding and skills will grow as they explore their world and engage in activities, for their own purposes, that involve reading, writing,

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