Page 54 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 54

3.2 build vocabulary for writing by confirming word meaning(s) and reviewing and refining word choice, using a variety of resources and strategies, as appropriate for the purpose (e.g., use an etymological dictionary to identify the original meaning of a word and meanings it has acquired over time;9 incorporate specialized aca- demic language associated with the study of English into their formal writing; keep a list of new words encountered in classroom and inde- pendent reading, and check off the ones they use in their own writing)
Teacher prompts: “How could you explore other ways of wording this idea? What resources could you consult?” “What other texts could you read to expand your vocabu- lary on this topic?” “Are the words you have used in this description likely to be familiar to your audience? Did you check a thesaurus for more familiar words that you may have overlooked?”
3.3 use punctuation correctly and effectively to communicate their intended meaning (e.g.,
use commas correctly to separate words, phrases, and clauses; correctly introduce and punctuate both short and long quotations in the body of
an essay, properly setting off block quotations; use semi-colons where appropriate to create balance and parallelism in sentences with two or more clauses)
Teacher prompt: “How do you know when to run a quotation into the text and when to set it off as a block? What is the accepted way to set off a quotation?”
3.4 use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning clearly and effectively (e.g., use a variety of sentence structures correctly to com- municate complex ideas; use coordination and subordination correctly and appropriately; use parallelism and balance to aid clarity; use pronoun case, number, and person correctly; use verb tenses correctly for reported dialogue; use active and passive voice appropriately for the purpose and audience; use unconventional grammar for effect10)
Teacher prompts: “How could you rewrite this series of sentences to create parallelism?” “How have you used the active voice in your essay to persuade your readers of your point of view? Is there any place in the essay where the passive voice would be effective?”
3.5 regularly proofread and correct their writing (e.g., ask peers to check their drafts for errors in spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar, consult print and electronic resources to confirm the accuracy of the feedback they receive, and make corrections where necessary; use the Track Changes function in their word-processing program when entering proofreading changes, and keep a file of these corrections for future reference)
Teacher prompts: “How can the Track Changes tool be of help in the writing process?” “Should you automatically accept all the proofreading feedback provided by a peer? What steps can you take to confirm that the feedback is accurate?”
3.6 use a variety of presentation features, including print and script, fonts, graphics, and layout, to improve the clarity and coherence of their written work and to heighten its appeal and effectiveness for their audience (e.g., select an appropriate format for a letter they are writing to the editor of a specific newspaper; choose design features that will appeal to an audience of their peers in creating a zine)
Teacher prompt: “Who is the audience for your zine? How does your choice of design features and layout reflect that audience?”
Producing Finished Works
3.7 produce pieces of published work to meet cri- teria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations (e.g., adequate devel- opment of information and ideas, logical organi- zation, appropriate use of form and style, appro- priate use of conventions11)
Teacher prompt: “Would it help your readers understand your point of view if you incor- porated some quotations into your poetry critique? Where would they be most effective?”
 9. TLCC 7-12 “Creating a Word Wall” 30 10. TLE 10-12 “Modelled Writing” 51 11. TLCC 7-12 “Writing an Explanation” 148, “Writing a Procedure” 142

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