Page 50 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 50

  4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
4.1 explain which of a variety of strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading, then evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as readers to help identify the steps they can take to improve their skills (e.g., record their reflections about how often and how proficiently they use various strategies; set targets for improving their use of particular strategies; confer with the teacher to develop new strategies for understanding more challenging texts)
Teacher prompts: “What pre-reading strategy did you use before starting your independ- ent reading of the novel? Did it help you to make sense of the introduction? Why or why not?” “What effect did the small-group dis- cussions have on the predictions you made about the story?”
Interconnected Skills
4.2 identify a variety of their skills in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing and explain how the skills help them read more effectively (e.g., prepare notes for a formal discussion about literacy in the twenty-first century, commenting on how their own use
of new technologies has contributed to their skills as readers)
Teacher prompts: “How did your participation in book clubs or literature circles influence your understanding of the texts you were reading?” “What new insight into the novel did you gain from seeing the film adaptation?”

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