Page 199 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 199

  1. Understanding Business and Technological Communications and Culture: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of types of communication, careers, and innovations associated with business and technological communications and related elements of business culture;
2. Analysing Business and Technological Communications: identify key elements of a variety of business and technological communications, explain their function, and evaluate their effectiveness.
 1. Understanding Business and Technological Communications and Culture
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
Building Document Literacy
1.1 read and demonstrate understanding of a variety of current examples of business and technological communications (e.g., complete
a survey, a questionnaire, a work order form,
or an online application for a postsecondary or apprenticeship program; make a judgement about whether or not to complete an optional part of a form; work with a peer to explain the main terms and conditions of an insurance policy)
Teacher prompt: “Were the survey questions clear? What would you change if you had the chance to revise the survey?”
Identifying Purpose and Audience
1.2 identify the purpose and audience of a variety of business and technological communications
(e.g., determine whether a particular instructional manual is meant for experts or a general audience; determine whether a business letter or instruc- tional video is designed to inform or to persuade; locate online information about e-mail etiquette for work-related communications, and explain why such etiquette is important; analyse a sequence of interview questions to determine the purpose of each; analyse an application form to determine the purpose of the different sections)
Teacher prompts: “Who is the audience for this letter? In what way has the writer’s view of the audience influenced the content and style of the message?” “What are several dif- ferent uses people might make of an instruc- tional manual?”
Exploring Opportunities and Careers
1.3 research and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of opportunities and careers related to communications in business and technology and the skills needed to pursue them (e.g., postsecondary programs related to business
and technological communications; the role of a communications officer or information tech- nology [IT] representative within a particular organization, such as the local school board)
Teacher prompt: “What are some employment opportunities for writers in the field of business and technological communications? What type of skills and training would be required for each?”
Understanding the Impact of Technology
1.4 research and demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which communicatiozns tech- nologies influence business practices (e.g., the role of rich web communications systems that combine presentation, training, and online video-conferencing technology in supplementing or replacing face-to-face meetings that require travel; the impact of cellular technology on an individual’s work and private life; the impact

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