Page 196 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 196

By the end of this course, students will:
1. Metacognition
By the end of this course, students will:
Understanding Their Creative Choices
1.1 identify and explain specific creative choices they have made during the writing process to help them better understand the art of writing (e.g., explain why they chose to use specific liter- ary devices in specific works; identify and explain how the revision process helped them improve one of their pieces; explain why they chose to accept specific suggestions for improvement offered by classmates)
Teacher prompts: “Where in your writing did you try something new? Were you pleased with the result? Why?” “How does your work reflect your personal experience?” “How is this piece of writing unlike any other writing you have done in the past?” “What advice have you received from your peers that has helped you the most as a writer?”
Understanding Their Perspectives and Biases
1.2 explain how their own beliefs, values, and experiences are revealed in their writing (e.g., identify examples of allusions to popular culture in their work; identify and explain a specific example in their writing of where they have drawn on their personal background, experiences, or cultural influences to develop an argument; identify two pieces of writing that reveal, overtly or implicitly, their own cultural expectations; explain what they think their writing would reveal about them to someone from another planet)
Teacher prompts: “To what extent do your personal values inform the content of your writing? Are there things you are not com- fortable writing about?” “Where in your writing have you expressed a point of view
that could be controversial?” “To what extent is this piece of writing based directly on your personal experiences?”
Planning to Improve
1.3 identify their areas of strength and weakness as writers, and the steps they can take to improve their own writing (e.g., explain the difficulties they encountered while writing a specific piece, and identify specific ways they could avoid experiencing those difficulties again; describe how they plan to develop a specific part of their writing process that needs improvement)
Teacher prompts: “What one strategy could you incorporate into your writing process to improve your writing significantly?” “What has been your greatest challenge in writing this year? What are you planning to do to overcome that challenge in the future?” “Which activities conducted in class this year have helped you to develop your confidence as a writer?”
Demonstrating Growth
1.4 select samples of their writing that document their growth as writers for inclusion in a portfolio (e.g., prepare a portfolio of their work, showing their development as writers, to present to their classmates, the teacher, their parents,
or a postsecondary institution)
Teacher prompts: “Which of your pieces are you most proud of, and why?” “Which pieces of your work demonstrate that you have overcome a difficulty you were experiencing as a writer?” “What have you learned about yourself as a writer that you didn’t know or understand before taking this course?” “What impact has this writing course had on your writing in other courses?”
 1. Metacognition: identify their strengths as writers and areas where they could improve, and assess the growth and development of their own writing style.
The Writer’s Craft

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