Page 130 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 130

 on the importance of teamwork, using the ideas and information presented in a teacher-directed lesson)
Teacher prompt: “What elements of the speech helped you to write your summary?”
Extending Understanding of Texts
1.6 extend understanding of oral texts, including increasingly complex texts, by making connec- tions between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them (e.g., listen to the dialogue in a video of a workplace situation to compare the quality of the employee/employer communication with their own experiences in the workplace; explain how the ideas in an oral text relate to a social issue in the local communi- ty; discuss, with a partner, similarities and dif- ferences between the ideas in an oral text and their own ideas)
Teacher prompt: “How does this situation compare with your experiences in the work- place? What advice would you give to the employers about how to communicate effectively?”
Analysing Texts
1.7 analyse oral texts, including increasingly com- plex texts, focusing on the ways in which they communicate information, ideas, issues, and themes and influence the listener’s/viewer’s response (e.g., examine the informative and per- suasive aspects of an army recruitment video;5 compare the lyrics used in commercials for two different popular soft drinks to understand how they influence the audience)
Teacher prompts: “What do you notice about the narration in this video? Who is speak- ing? What parts of this message appeal to you? Why?”
Critical Literacy
1.8 identify and analyse the perspectives and/or biases evident in oral texts, including increas- ingly complex oral texts, and comment on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power (e.g., identify people and perspectives not represented in popular network talk shows; analyse infomercial testimonials; analyse the campaign speeches of student council candidates)
Teacher prompts: “What is the speaker’s pur- pose or motive?” “What is the speaker’s bias towards the subject?” “How does the speaker challenge your own biases towards the subject?”
Understanding Presentation Strategies
1.9 evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of pres- entation strategies used in oral texts, including increasingly complex texts, and suggest other strategies that could be used effectively (e.g., evaluate the use of visual aids such as costumes, props, diagrams, or slides to enhance the oral text; assess the effectiveness of oral communica- tion strategies used in presentations by recruit- ment personnel from postsecondary institutions)
Teacher prompts: “What does this costume communicate about the character?” “How could the use of costumes or props distract a listener rather than support the communica- tion of a message?”
2. Speaking to Communicate
By the end of this course, students will:
2.1 communicate orally for a variety of purposes, using language appropriate for the intended audience (e.g., discuss with a peer the reasons to attend a job fair; rehearse answers for a job interview; identify for a small group the values, priorities, and perspectives presented in a text; present and discuss a writing portfolio at a parent-teacher conference)
Teacher prompts: “How can you communicate effectively in a job interview? How is speaking in a job interview different from speaking to a customer in the workplace?” “What would you do if you were an employer to communicate effectively in a culturally diverse workplace?”
Interpersonal Speaking Strategies
2.2 demonstrate an understanding of a variety of interpersonal speaking strategies and adapt them to suit the purpose, situation, and audi- ence, exhibiting sensitivity to cultural differ- ences (e.g., role-play handling a customer com- plaint;6 acknowledge classmates’ diverse points of view by affirming their ideas; encourage oth- ers in a small group to contribute; adapt speak- ing based on verbal and non-verbal cues from the audience 7)
Teacher prompts: “How do you know when your listener does not understand you? What do you do then?” “What strategies do you use to keep the interest of your listeners?”
   5. TL Media 7-10 “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Media Messages” 28
6. TLCC 7-12 “Discussion Etiquette” 176
Part II “Talk Show With a Twist” 20

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