Page 120 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 120

 recordings and film, blogs, and archived news- papers; search digital media and community resources such as college libraries and community service organizations; use a template to evaluate sources and information for reliability, objectivity, and comprehensiveness; record all sources of information in a bibliography or reference list, observing conventions for proper documentation and full acknowledgement of sources and extracts, in recognition of the need to credit original authors and promote academic honesty)
Teacher prompts: “What strategies have you used to create your research plan?” “Which sources will you use to gather information for your research, and why? Are there any sources you have not considered that could be helpful?”
Organizing Ideas
1.4 identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and selecting the organi- zational pattern best suited to the content and the purpose for writing (e.g., organize information for a short research paper into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion; catego- rize different opinions from a variety of sources about a new digital or electronic device for a product report they are writing;2 create an out- line for a five-paragraph essay on the theme
of a novel or film; select and organize ideas from their journal entries to use in creating
a poem; use a graphic organizer to classify information about college programs that lead to a specific career that interests them)
Teacher prompts: “How can you group the different opinions about this product that you have gathered for your report?” “How will you organize the material you have gathered about this company to write its annual report?”
Reviewing Content
1.5 determine whether the ideas and information gathered are accurate and complete, interest- ing, and effectively meet the requirements
of the writing task (e.g., review their writing for relevance, organization, and completeness, using a highlighter pen or other means to iden- tify areas that need more details or information, and make the changes, conducting more research if necessary3)
Teacher prompts: “What additional sources could you consult to ensure that your report is accurate and credible?” “Have you pre- sented all relevant perspectives about the play in your analysis?” “Is the information that you gathered on this product for your review the most up-to-date available?”
2. Using Knowledge of Form and Style
By the end of this course, students will:
2.1 write for different purposes and audiences using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms (e.g., single organized paragraphs on a current issue, an idea encountered in shared reading, or a technical subject in preparation
for a group discussion; contributions to a class anthology of short narratives, information pieces, poems, and graphic texts for younger students; a speech articulating how Aboriginal values and beliefs could benefit the larger society; a formal letter inviting a community partner to sponsor a school project; a brochure on workplace safety)
Teacher prompts: “How would the pieces you are writing for the class anthology differ if they were intended for an audience of parents?” “What graphic elements will you include in your brochure on workplace safety? How will these elements appeal to the target audience?”
2.2 establish a distinctive voice in their writing, modifying language and tone skilfully and effectively to suit the form, audience, and purpose for writing (e.g., in a journal entry, use words that convey admiration for an adult for whom they have a high regard; use formal language in a letter of application to convey
a sincere and serious tone; in one paragraph, express their own views about an issue of con- cern to teens)
Teacher prompts: “What words would you choose to favourably describe a role model?” “How would the words you use in a letter change if your audience changed?”
 2. TLCC 7-12 “Both Sides Now” 74 3. TL Library “Developing and Organizing Ideas: Looking for Relationships” 24

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