Page 110 - Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: Course Descriptions and Prerequisites, 2018
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 Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science, Grade 12, University (SES4U)
This course develops students’ understanding of Earth and its place in the universe. Students will investigate the properties of and forces in the universe and solar system and analyse techniques scientists use to generate knowledge about them. Students will closely examine the materials of Earth, its internal and surficial processes, and its geological history, and will learn how Earth’s systems interact and how they have changed over time. Throughout the course, students will learn how these forces, processes, and materials affect their daily lives. The course draws on biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics in its consideration of geological and astronomical processes that can be observed directly or inferred from other evidence.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic
Environmental Science
Environmental Science, Grade 11, University/College (SVN3M)
This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge of and skills relating to environmental science that will help them succeed in life after secondary school. Students will explore a range of topics, including the role of science in addressing contemporary environmental challenges; the impact of the environment on human health; sustainable agriculture and forestry; the reduction and management of waste; and the conservation of energy. Students will increase their scientific and environmental literacy and examine the interrelationships between science, the environment, and society in a variety of areas.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic or Applied
Environmental Science, Grade 11, Workplace (SVN3E)
This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge of and skills relating to environmental science that will help them succeed in work and life after secondary school. Students will explore a range of topics, including the impact of human activities on the environment; human health and the environment; energy conservation; resource science and management; and safety and environmental responsibility in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on relevant, practical applications and current topics in environmental science, with attention to the refinement of students’ literacy and mathematical literacy skills as well as the development of their scientific and environmental literacy.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 Science, Academic or Applied, or a Grade 9 or 10 locally developed compulsory credit (LDCC) course in science

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