Page 92 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
P. 92

 Grade 11
 B1. The Student’s Cooperative Education Learning Plan: develop, implement, and reflect on a learning plan, including learning related to health, safety, and well-being, to maximize success in the cooperative education experience
B2. Skills for the Future: demonstrate the skills and knowledge developed or refined through the cooperative education experience, including skills and knowledge related to health, safety, and well-being, and explain how they might use what they have learned in other aspects of their lives, now and in the future
     THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
B1. The Student’s Cooperative Education Learning Plan
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 develop their learning plan by determining short- and medium-term learning goals for the cooperative education experience (e.g., short- term goal: to practise communicating information about their knowledge, skills, and interests for
an interview to secure a cooperative education placement; medium-term goal: to use effective time-management strategies to ensure that they achieve all course expectations; to learn more about being respectful of people’s diversity, in terms of ethnocultural and/or socio-economic background, language, gender identity, and other areas of diversity; to learn about the ways in which social media can affect relationships; to develop greater understanding of the mental health concerns that
many young people experience and to learn about strategies that can be used to address them) and longer-term education and career/life goals (e.g., to use job search strategies to obtain a summer job; to save money for postsecondary education, training, or community living; to locate an employer who will sponsor them in a continued apprenticeship in carpentry; to obtain the advanced health and safety certification required to work in a child care setting; to volunteer at an organization that supports students in addressing mental health concerns; to
develop and maintain a positive online presence, with a view to building an e-portfolio), and identify strategies to achieve these goals
Teacher prompts: “How would you describe a successful cooperative education experience? What do you need to learn by the end of the experience? What are some short- and/or medium-term learning goals that will help you succeed?” “How can you use what you have learned about yourself to help you set and achieve your goals?” “Think about the people who might help you to meet your goal(s). In what ways could they support you? What is the appropriate way to ask for their help?” “What resources are available that can help you learn about some of your career/life goals, such as saving and investing for your education?”
B1.2 actively and safely participate in the cooperative education experience as they implement their learning plan (e.g., show initiative – for instance, by offering to explore technological options that could enhance the organization’s customer surveys; ask questions
to clarify their understanding of tasks and of how to perform them safely; observe and demonstrate appropriate practices and procedures for safety and well-being and for environmental protection; where appropriate, be prepared with the right tools, equipment, and/or materials; work collaboratively
By the end of this course, students will:

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