Page 84 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
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 Grade 11 or 12
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
you developed an awareness of how art can reflect the society in which it was created. How did understanding this prepare you for your co-op experience? In what ways did your co-op experience affect your perspective on what you learned [or: what you are currently learning] in your related course?” “Professional and
ethical standards and policies pertaining to confidentiality, privacy, and acceptable use
of technology are important to many different industry sectors and are part of responsible digital citizenship. As part of your related course, you developed an awareness of these standards and policies pertaining to the industry sector. Explain why these policies are important, how they can protect people, why they were created, and how they may have evolved
over time. What have you learned about
such standards and/or policies in your co-op placement?” “When you handled hazardous materials during your co-op experience, you were careful to apply what you learned about WHMIS in your related course and in your cooperative education course before beginning your placement. On reflection, do you think this practice has now become a habit of mind, something that is second nature to you? Can you identify when and how this shift came about?”
B2.2 demonstrate how they are using skills and knowledge related to education and career/life planning in connection with their cooperative education experience (e.g., reflecting on the education and career/life planning inquiry questions – Who am I? What are my opportunities? Who do I want to become? What is my plan for achieving my goals? – as they progress through the experience, and incorporating their insights
in their Individual Pathways Plan)
Teacher prompts: “You have spent some time identifying and understanding factors and experiences that have shaped who you are. Which of these factors or experiences are relevant to your co-op experience?” “How has participating in co-op expanded your awareness of postsecondary opportunities?” “Your co-op experience, along with what you learned in your related course, might have provided some insights into the demands and rewards of careers in that sector. Reflect on the fit between the realities of the work and who you want to become.” “Reflect on the goals you set in your Individual Pathways Plan and your Student’s Cooperative Education Learning Plan. Based on what you’ve learned in your co-op experience
and the related course, what kinds of financial and emotional support do you think you will need to achieve your goals? What other types of support might you need?“ “Career-related decision making is often fluid and unpredictable, and rarely linear. How do you think the learning from your related course, and your co-op experience to date, might influence how you navigate the path through school to your initial postsecondary destination and beyond?”
B2.3 describe how they might use the skills and knowledge developed through their cooperative education experience and their related course in other aspects of their lives, now and in the future (e.g., in their education, training, workplace, or community living experiences; in their volunteer activities and hobbies; in their lives at home or within various communities, including online communities)
Teacher prompts: “Reflect on the skills and knowledge that you have developed through the cooperative education experience and your related course and document this learning in your Individualized Pathways Plan (IPP). Explain how this knowledge and these skills might assist you in other aspects of your life.” “You worked on a team during your co-op experience and developed communication and time-management skills. You have also done group work in your related course. How can you use these skills in your volunteer work at your local friendship centre?” “How will you use the skills and knowledge gained from your international co-op experience to bring greater awareness of other cultures to your peers, family, and community?” “Drawing on some of the learning from your related course and working with your placement supervisor, you developed a business plan for your prototype. What are some financial questions you need to consider and what logistical supports might you need to further develop and market your product locally, nationally, internationally, and/or online?” “Reflecting on your service learning* experience, what insights would you say that you have gained into the realities and complexities of
the community? How did you learn from the community and how did community members learn from you? How has this experience changed your perspective on the particular issue or situation you were trying to address? How can your experience support the design, implementation and evaluation of an initiative to address the issue?” “During your co-op experience, how do you think you were
* Service learning is an experiential learning opportunity with a focus on service in the community – specifically, on addressing a need within a community or group. Service learning is intended to benefit both the provider and the recipient of the service.

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