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THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
Monitoring Program Implementation and Assessing the Impact of the Cooperative Education Program on Student Achievement
Cooperative education promotes engagement and improves student well-being and achievement by helping to expand and deepen students’ understanding of the curriculum as they apply their skills and knowledge in a community setting. Cooperative education also plays a key role in the school’s comprehensive education and career/life planning program. In addition, cooperative education can be an important part of the school’s plans for supporting equity and inclusive education.
The ongoing monitoring of program implementation and the assessment of the impact of a school’s and school board’s cooperative education program ensures that these experiential learning courses continue to evolve and meet the ever-changing needs of students and communities.
Both qualitative and quantitative data should be gathered and analysed to support evidence-based decision making and school board improvement planning.
As cooperative education is a form of experiential learning, the data gathered for monitoring implementation and assessing impact should be analysed together with the school and school board’s data related to all forms of experiential learning.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of cooperative education is based on the extent to which the program provides the intended benefits to students. Boards and schools can also align their strategies for measuring the effectiveness of cooperative education with overall improvement planning. For example, the following indicators listed in School Effectiveness Framework, 2013 (SEF), in particular, provide a constructive starting point:
Component 4: Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
4.3 – Teaching and learning in the 21st century is collaborative, innovative, and creative within a global context.
4.4 – Learning is deepened through authentic, relevant, and meaningful student inquiry.
Component 5: Pathways Planning and Programming
5.1 – Comprehensive education and career/life planning programs meet the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of all students.
5.2 – Opportunities for authentic learning experiences and experiential learning exist in all classrooms and programs.
5.3 – Students, parents, families, and educators understand the full range of pathways, programs, options, and supports that are available.
5.4 – Students build on in-school and out-of-school experiences to further explore and reflect upon their interests, strengths, skills, and education and career/life aspirations.
Component 6: Home, School, and Community Partnerships
6.3 – The school and community build partnerships to enhance learning opportunities and well-being for students.

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