Page 7 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
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Mastering the concepts and skills connected with computer studies requires work, study, and the development of cooperative skills. In addition, students who actively pursue opportunities outside the classroom will extend and enrich their understanding of computers and related topics and issues. Their understanding and skills will grow as they engage in recreational activities that involve computer use (e.g., computer clubs), reading related to computers (e.g., magazines, Internet sources), and learning about advances in computer studies (e.g., attending computer fairs).
Parents1 have an important role to play in supporting student learning. Studies show that students perform better in school if their parents are involved in their education. By becoming familiar with the curriculum, parents can determine what is being taught in the courses their daughters and sons are taking and what they are expected to learn. This awareness will enhance parents’ ability to discuss their children’s work with them, to communicate with teachers, and to ask relevant questions about their children’s progress. Knowledge of the expectations in the various courses will also help parents to interpret teachers’ comments on student progress and to work with teachers to improve their children’s learning.
Effective ways in which parents can support their children’s learning include attending parent-teacher interviews, participating in parent workshops, becoming involved in school council activities (including becoming a school council member), and encour- aging students to complete their assignments at home. In addition to supporting regular school activities, parents may wish to provide their daughters and sons with opportuni- ties to question and reflect on current affairs, including developments in the field of emerging technologies.
Teachers and students have complementary responsibilities. Teachers develop appropri- ate instructional strategies to help students achieve the curriculum expectations, as well as appropriate methods for assessing and evaluating student learning. Teachers also support students in developing the reading, writing, oral communication, and numeracy skills needed for success in all their courses. Teachers bring enthusiasm and varied teach- ing and assessment approaches to the classroom, addressing different student needs and ensuring sound learning opportunities for every student.
Using a variety of instructional, assessment, and evaluation strategies, teachers provide numerous opportunities for students to develop a range of skills and knowledge, includ- ing knowledge of computer studies concepts, structures, and processes, that will allow them to participate more effectively in their communities as responsible and active citizens.
The principal works in partnership with teachers and parents to ensure that each stu- dent has access to the best possible educational experience. To support student learn- ing, principals ensure that the Ontario curriculum is being properly implemented in all classrooms using a variety of instructional approaches. They also ensure that appropriate resources are made available for teachers and students. To enhance teaching and learn- ing in all subjects, including computer studies, principals promote learning teams and
  1. The word parents is used in this document to refer to parent(s) and guardian(s).

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