Page 47 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 47

 d. topiCs in CompUter sCienCe OVERALL EXPECTATIONS
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
d1.1 describe the negative effects of computer use on the environment (e.g., creation of e-waste, excessive use of paper resulting from unnecessary printing of files and emails, heavy power consumption) and on human health
(e.g., exposure to radiation, musculoskeletal disor- ders, eye strain, mental health problems resulting from social isolation, various health consequences of reduced activity levels);
d1.2 identify measures that help reduce the impact of computers on the environment
(e.g., lab regulations, school policies, corporate and government policies promoting paperless workplaces and computer recycling and reuse) and on human health (e.g., ergonomic standards);
d1.3 describe ways in which computers are or could be used to reduce resource use and to support environmental protection measures (e.g., computer modelling to reduce use of physi- cal resources; management of natural resources);
d1.4 identify government agencies and commu- nity partners that provide resources and guid- ance for environmental stewardship (e.g., local community recycling centres, private companies that refurbish computers, printer cartridge recy- cling programs).
d2. Exploring computer Science
By the end of this course, students will:
d2.1 demonstrate an understanding of emerging areas of research in computer science (e.g., cryp- tography, parallel processing, distributed comput- ing, data mining, artificial intelligence, robotics, computer vision, image processing, human– computer interaction, security, geographic information systems [GIS]);
d2.2 demonstrate an understanding of an area of collaborative research between computer science and another field (e.g., bioinformatics, geology, economics, linguistics, health infor- matics, climatology, sociology, art);
d2.3 report on an area of research related to computer science, using an appropriate for- mat (e.g., website, presentation software, video).
d3. Postsecondary opportunities
By the end of this course, students will:
d3.1 research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, nation- al, and international levels;
d3.2 identify and report on opportunities for experiential learning (e.g., co-op programs, job shadowing, career fairs) in the field of computer science;
d3.3 research and report on postsecondary educational programs leading to careers in information systems and computer science (e.g., institutions offering relevant programs, industry certifications, courses of study, entrance requirements, length of programs, costs);
toPicS in comPutEr SciEncE
 d1. describe policies on computer use that promote environmental stewardship and sustainability; d2. demonstrate an understanding of emerging areas of computer science research;
d3. describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies.
  d1. Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
Introduction to Computer Science

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