Page 44 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 44

 Grade 11, University Preparation
 B1. useavarietyofproblem-solvingstrategiestosolvedifferenttypesofproblemsindependently and as part of a team;
B2. designsoftwaresolutionstomeetavarietyofchallenges;
B3. designalgorithmsaccordingtospecifications;
B4. applyasoftwaredevelopmentlife-cyclemodeltoasoftwaredevelopmentproject.
 B1. Problem-solving Strategies
 B3. designing algorithms
 B2. designing Software Solutions
 B4. the Software development life cycle
B. softwAre development OVERALL EXPECTATIONS
By the end of this course, students will:
 thE ontario curriculum, GradES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 use various problem-solving strategies (e.g., stepwise refinement, divide and conquer, working backwards, examples, extreme cases, tables and charts, trial and error) when solving different types of problems;
B1.2 demonstrate the ability to solve problems independently and as part of a team;
B1.3 use the input-process-output model to solve problems.
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 design programs from a program template or skeleton (e.g., teacher-supplied skeleton, Help facility code snippet);
B2.2 use appropriate vocabulary and mode of expression (i.e., written, oral, diagrammatic) to describe alternative program designs, and to explain the structure of a program;
B2.3 apply the principle of modularity to design reusable code (e.g., subprograms, classes) in computer programs;
B2.4 represent the structure and components of a program using industry-standard program- ming tools (e.g., structure chart, flow chart, UML [Unified Modeling Language], data flow diagram, pseudocode);
B2.5 design user-friendly software interfaces (e.g., prompts, messages, screens, forms).
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 design simple algorithms (e.g., add data to a sorted array, delete a datum from the middle of an array) according to specifications;
B3.2 solve common problems (e.g., calculation of hypotenuse, determination of primes, calculation of area and circumference) by applying math- ematical equations or formulas in an algorithm;
B3.3 design algorithms to detect, intercept, and handle exceptions (e.g., division by zero, roots of negatives).
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 describe the phases (i.e., problem definition, analysis, design, writing code, testing, imple- mentation, maintenance), milestones (e.g., date of completion of program specification), and products (e.g., specification, flow chart, program, documentation, bug reports) of a software devel- opment life cycle;
B4.2 use a variety of techniques (e.g., dialogue, questionnaires, surveys, research) to clarify program specifications;

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