Page 39 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 39

By the end of this course, students will:
c1. Social impact
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 describe a variety of adaptive technologies that help to improve computer accessibility (e.g., text-to-speech, speech-to-text, adapted mouse, font control, ergonomic keyboard, virtual keyboard, sticky keys, colour contrast, image magnifier);
C1.2 explain the impact on privacy of techniques for collecting and processing data (e.g., camera phones, reward programs, targeted advertising, digital rights management, monitoring software);
C1.3 describe how portable computing devices (e.g., PDA, cell phone, GPS, laptop) affect our everyday lives;
C1.4 describe how electronic access to information (e.g., instant messaging, webcasts, social net- working sites, wikis, blogs, video sharing sites) influences our everyday lives, as well as the lives of people in various countries around the world, in both positive and negative ways;
C1.5 describe issues associated with access to online services (e.g., reliability of passwords, network security, identity theft, the permanence of information released onto the Internet).
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe the negative effects of computers and computer use on the environment
(e.g., chemicals from electronic waste dumped in landfills – domestic or overseas – leaching into soil and groundwater; unnecessary use of paper; heavy power consumption) and on human
health (e.g., effects of exposure to radiation, mus- culoskeletal disorders, eye strain, mental health and behavioural problems created or exacerbated by social isolation);
C2.2 identify measures that help reduce the nega- tive effects of computers on the environment (e.g., lab regulations, school policies, corporate poli- cies, provincial policies, paperless workplaces) and on human health (e.g., ergonomic standards);
C2.3 describe ways in which computers are or could be used to reduce resource use and to support environmental protection measures (e.g., computer modelling to reduce use of physi- cal resources; interpretation of large amounts
of environmental data; management of natural resources; programmable temperature control to reduce energy consumption);
C2.4 describe, on the basis of research, how and where recycled electronic waste is processed, and identify local companies and institutions that offer such services.
c3. Ethical issues
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computers (e.g., music and video file downloading, spyware, identity theft, phishing, keystroke logging, packet sniffing, cyberbullying);
C3.2 describe safeguards (e.g., effective passwords, secure websites, firewalls, biometric data) for pre- venting the unethical use of computers.
comPutErS and SociEtY
 C1. describekeyaspectsoftheimpactofcomputersandrelatedtechnologiesonsociety;
C2. describecomputerusepoliciesthatpromoteenvironmentalstewardshipandsustainability; C3. describelegalandethicalissuesrelatedtotheuseofcomputingdevices;
C4. describepostsecondaryeducationandcareerprospectsrelatedtocomputerstudies.
    c2. Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
Introduction to Computer Studies

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