Page 36 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 36

  A1. describethefunctionsofdifferenttypesofhardwarecomponents,andassessthehardwareneedsofusers;
A2. describe the different types of software products, and assess the software needs of users;
A3. use the basic functions of an operating system correctly;
A4. demonstrate an understanding of home computer networking concepts;
A5. explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer.
 a1. hardware components
 a3. operating Systems
 a2. Software Products
 a4. home computer networking
thE ontario curriculum, GradES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 use correct terminology to describe computer hardware (e.g., USB, FSB, IEEE 1394 interface), speed measurements (e.g., megahertz), and size measurements (e.g., megabytes, gigabytes);
A1.2 describe the functions of the internal com- ponents of a computer (e.g., CPU, RAM, ROM, cache, hard drive, motherboard, power supply, video card, sound card);
A1.3 describe the functions of common computer peripheral devices (e.g., printer, monitor, scan- ner, keyboard, mouse, speakers, USB flash drive);
A1.4 assess user computing needs and select appropriate hardware components for differ- ent situations (e.g., a student on a fixed budget, a home business user, a gaming enthusiast,
a photographer, a home video enthusiast, a distance education user, a human resources manager, an accountant).
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 explain the difference between software used for applications (e.g., word processor, spread- sheet, email client), programming (e.g., an inte- grated development environment), and systems (e.g., operating system tools such as a registry editor and a defragmenting tool);
A2.2 assess user computing needs and select appropriate software for different situations (e.g., a student on a fixed budget, a home busi- ness user, a gaming enthusiast, a photographer, a home video enthusiast, a distance education user, a human resources manager, an accountant).
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 describe operating system functions that meet various user needs (e.g., running applica- tions, organizing files, managing users, config- uring peripherals);
A3.2 use file management techniques to organ- ize and manage files (e.g., copy, move, delete, rename files; create shortcut);
A3.3 use general keyboard shortcuts to perform common tasks (e.g., cut, copy, paste, print, print window, print screen);
A3.4 describe the features and limitations of vari- ous operating systems.
By the end of this course, students will:
A4.1 identify various networking applications and protocols (e.g., VoIP, streaming media, FTP, email, instant messaging);
A4.2 describe the features and functions of wired and wireless networking hardware (e.g., NICs, routers, hubs, cables, modems);
By the end of this course, students will:

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