Page 22 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
P. 22

 thE ontario curriculum, GradES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
Many of the concepts taught in computer studies involve abstract thinking, which can be challenging for many students. Role playing is one approach that can help students inter- nalize new concepts.
Learning processes that involve students in physical activity can also lead to better understanding and longer retention of concepts. The use of kinesthetic learning can be an effective way to adapt computer studies to the varied learning styles that students may demonstrate. For example, the binary numbering system could be taught by means of a game called “binary chairs”, wherein eight students represent a byte of data by sit- ting on or standing in front of eight chairs, depending on whether they represent
binary 0 (sitting) or binary 1 (standing).
Working collaboratively can enhance student learning and foster positive attitudes. An example of a collaborative approach is “pair programming”, which involves two students working at a single keyboard, one as a “driver” and the other as an “observer” or “navi- gator”. Each student has a specific role, and both students are actively involved in the task. The students periodically switch roles during the project.
The computer programming language used and the order in which concepts are taught is left to the teacher’s professional judgement. Some teachers may decide to use an “objects-first” approach, while others may prefer to use structural program techniques to teach the same concepts.
Students’ attitudes towards computer studies can have a significant effect on their achievement of expectations. Teaching methods and learning activities that encourage students to recognize the value and relevance of what they are learning will go a long way towards motivating them to work and learn effectively.
The study of current events and emerging technologies related to computer studies enhances both the relevance and the immediacy of the curriculum. Discussing current events and new technologies and including these topics in daily lessons stimulates student interest and curiosity and also helps students connect what they are learning in class with real-world events or situations. The study of current events needs to be thought of not as
a separate topic removed from the program but as an effective instructional strategy for implementing many of the expectations found in the curriculum.
Information and communications technologies (ICT) provide a range of tools that can significantly extend and enrich teachers’ instructional strategies and support student learning. ICT tools include multimedia resources, databases, Internet websites, digital cameras, and word-processing programs. Tools such as these can help students to collect, organize, and sort the data they gather and to write, edit, and present reports on their findings. Information and communications technologies can also be used to connect students to other schools, at home and abroad, and to bring the global community into the local classroom.

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