Page 12 - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 10 to 12 Computer Studies - Revised (2008)
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  Each computer studies course is organized into three or four strands, numbered A, B, C, and so on.
The overall expectations describe in general terms the knowl- edge and skills students are expected to demonstrate by the end of each course. Three or more overall expectations are provided for each strand in every course. The numbering of overall expectations indicates the strand to which they belong (e.g., B1 through B4 are the overall expectations for strand B).
       A numbered subheading identifies each group of specific expectations and relates to one particular overall expectation
(e.g., “B2. Designing Software Solutions” relates to overall expectation B2).
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
By the end of this course, students will:
B1. Problem-solving Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 use various problem-solving strategies (e.g., stepwise refinement, divide and conquer, working backwards, examples, extreme cases, tables and charts, trial and error) when solving different types of problems;
B1.2 demonstrate the ability to solve problems independently and as part of a team;
B1.3 use the input-process-output model to solve problems.
B2. Designing Software Solutions
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 design programs from a program template or skeleton (e.g., teacher-supplied skeleton, Help facility code snippet);
B2.2 use appropriate vocabulary and mode of expression (i.e., written, oral, diagrammatic) to describe alternative program designs, and to explain the structure of a program;
B2.3 apply the principle of modularity to design reusable code (e.g., subprograms, classes) in computer programs;
B2.4 represent the structure and components of a program using industry-standard program- ming tools (e.g., structure chart, flow chart, UML [Unified Modeling Language], data flow diagram, pseudocode);
B2.5 design user-friendly software interfaces (e.g., prompts, messages, screens, forms).
B3. Designing Algorithms
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 design simple algorithms (e.g., add data to a sorted array, delete a datum from the middle of an array) according to specifications;
B3.2 solve common problems (e.g., calculation of hypotenuse, determination of primes, calculation of area and circumference) by applying math- ematical equations or formulas in an algorithm;
B3.3 design algorithms to detect, intercept, and handle exceptions (e.g., division by zero, roots of negatives).
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 describe the phases (i.e., problem definition, analysis, design, writing code, testing, imple- mentation, maintenance), milestones (e.g., date of completion of program specification), and products (e.g., specification, flow chart, program, documentation, bug reports) of a software devel- opment life cycle;
B4.2 use a variety of techniques (e.g., dialogue, questionnaires, surveys, research) to clarify program specifications;
and appear in parentheses, set in italics, within specific expectations. The examples help to clarify the requirement specified in the expec- tation and to suggest its intended depth and level of complexity.
The examples are illustrations only, not requirements.
     thE ontario curriculum, GradES 10 –12 | Computer Studies
The specific expectations describe the expected knowledge and skills in greater detail. The expectation number identifies the strand to which the expectation belongs and the overall expectation to which it relates (e.g., B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, and so on, relate to the second overall expectation in strand B).
Grade 11, University Preparation
 B1. useavarietyofproblem-solvingstrategiestosolvedifferenttypesofproblemsindependently and as part of a team;
B2. designsoftwaresolutionstomeetavarietyofchallenges;
B3. designalgorithmsaccordingtospecifications;
B4. applyasoftwaredevelopmentlife-cyclemodeltoasoftwaredevelopmentproject.
 B4. The Software Development Life Cycle
Examples are introduced by “e.g.”

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