Page 85 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 85

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Understanding the Influence of Classical Languages: demonstrate an understanding of the influence of classical languages on the languages of other cultures;
D2. Making Cultural Connections: demonstrate an understanding of classical culture and its influence on other cultures.
D1. Understanding the Influence of Classical Languages
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 Investigating Derivatives: identify a variety of words, phrases, and abbreviations that are derived from the classical language and found in English and other languages, and use them accurately (e.g., create a glossary of English words relating to science, music, and/or the arts that are derived from a classical language; identify the use of Latin or ancient Greek in fields such as medicine and law; give the meaning of mottoes such as Canada’s “A mari usque ad mare” and Ontario’s “Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet” and maxims such as “D. G. REGINA” on the obverse of Canadian coins and “Mens sana in corpore sano”, and explain why Latin is still used in these contexts)
D1.2 Using Interconnected Language Knowledge: use knowledge of a variety of language structures that are common to the classical language, English, and other languages to enhance their speaking, reading, and writing skills in both English and the classical language (e.g., the use of subordinate clauses in complex sentences; the formation and use of the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs)
D2. Making Cultural Connections
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 Understanding the Classical World: demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of diverse aspects of life in the classical world, using several different strategies (e.g., explain military strategies the Romans used in combat with ancient Mediterranean societies that engaged
in guerrilla warfare, using a graphic or three- dimensional representation; outline mining techniques and/or agricultural practices used in the ancient Mediterranean world and describe their environmental impact; describe illustrations of the burial customs of different peoples in the classical world; describe the role of warfare in destroying arable land and polluting water supplies; identify and evaluate the influence of Roman imperialism on the development of trade and commerce in the classical world using maps; compare the empires of Alexander the Great
and the Romans and their impact on indigenous peoples; create a list of the criteria for and benefits of Roman citizenship; explain how gender and class determined the roles of different groups of people, including slaves, in ancient Mediterranean societies; assess the impact of the Persian Wars on the growing power of Athens; compare Athenian and Spartan attitudes to education, citizenship, and warfare using a T-chart or a Venn diagram; assess the impact of the Peloponnesian War on the natural resources of ancient Greece; demonstrate Archimedes’ principle using a three-dimensional model; use simulation software to show how an aqueduct delivered water; describe the journeys
of a soldier throughout the Roman Empire as he might have written about them in a letter to his family; describe, using maps, the need for wood in daily life, the resulting deforestation, and its influence on the expansion of the Roman Empire)
D2.2 Making Cultural Connections: relate aspects of classical culture (e.g., military practices, religious practices, social customs, technology, political ideas, scientific inquiry) to comparable aspects of other societies and cultures (e.g., identify similarities and differences between a Roman soldier’s kit and a contemporary soldier’s kit,
and explain why they are different; identify a
 Classical Languages

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