Page 8 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 8

The vision and goals for the secondary program are as follows:
 Vision and Goals for Classical Studies and International Languages, Grades 9–12
Students of international languages will communicate and interact in the international language with growing confidence in real-life contexts, and will develop an awareness of the multicultural and plurilingual nature of the modern world . Students of classical languages will read and translate in the classical language with growing confidence in classroom contexts, and will develop an appreciation of the interconnectedness of ancient and modern languages and the rich cultural legacy of the classical world . All students of languages will develop the knowledge and skills necessary for lifelong language learning . Students in the Classical Civilization course will develop an appreciation of the rich cultural legacy of the classical world . All students in the program will develop the knowledge, skills, and perspectives they need to participate fully as citizens in Canada and in the world .
All students can become successful language learners . Students realize the vision for the classical studies and international languages curriculum as they strive to:
• appreciate the value of learning a second or additional language;
• use the international language to communicate and interact in a variety of social settings;
• make meaningful connections between themselves, what they encounter in texts, and the world
around them;
• understand that the study of a classical and/or an international language can help them improve their
command of their first language;
• develop the skills for using language learning strategies effectively;
• gain insights into their first language and appreciate more fully the particular nature and function of
language itself;
• understand that the study of a classical language and/or an international language helps them to
become aware of connections between languages through time and around the world;
• appreciate the rich cultural legacy of the classical world within the modern world;
• take responsibility for their own learning as they work independently and in groups;
• appreciate and acknowledge the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global community;
• understand the importance of valuing language diversity and of learning another language for
personal, professional, and social reasons;
• developtheskillsthatwillenablethemtoengageinlifelonglanguagelearningandculturalexploration
for personal growth and for active participation in society .

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