Page 226 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 226

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
elements of writing (composition and style). Essential aspects of written compositions. Examples include: a central theme or topic; the organization of information and ideas; use of
an introduction and conclusion; diction (word choice); the use of conventions of spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraphing; plot; characterization; atmosphere; point of view; literary devices/stylistic elements.
epistemology. In philosophy, the study of knowledge, particularly concerned with its scope, validity, and methods.
essay. A prose composition that discusses a subject or makes an argument. This type of writing often presents the writer’s own ideas on a topic.
ethnocultural community. A group of people who share a common and distinct background or other characteristics, such as cultural traditions, language, ancestry or country of origin, physical traits, and/or religion.
etymology. The origin and history of the form and meaning of a word. Dictionaries often provide etymologies of words.
exit passes. Cards handed out to students at the end of an instructional period. Students write a short response on the card to a question posed by the teacher. The teacher then reviews the responses to help determine whether students have understood the lesson or need further instruction. Also called exit cards.
expectations. The knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop and to demon- strate in their class work, on tests, and in various other activities on which their achievement
is assessed. Overall expectations describe in general terms the knowledge and skills that students are expected to demonstrate by the end of each grade. Specific expectations describe the expected knowledge and skills in greater detail.
figurative language. Words or phrases used in a non-literal way to create a desired effect (e.g., metaphors, similes, personification, oxymoron).
fluency. The ability to read with sufficient ease and accuracy to focus the reader’s or listener’s attention on the meaning and message of a text. Reading fluency involves not only the automatic identification of words but also qualities such as rhythm, intonation, and phrasing at the phrase, sentence, and text levels, as well as anticipation of what comes next in a text.
forms of fictional texts. Examples include: story, short story, adventure story, detective story, myth, legend, fable, folktale, poem, song lyrics, ballad, novel (including mystery novel, historical novel, science fiction novel), play, script.
forms of graphic texts. Examples include: chart, word web, diagram, label, advertisement, public sign, poster, comic strip, comic book, graphic novel, logo, schedule, graph, map, table, illustration, pictorial text, symbol.
forms of informational texts. Examples include: history book, geography textbook, journal article, report, essay, book review, commentary, description, summary, editorial, newspaper
or magazine article, television or radio script, dialogue, letter (personal, business), invitation, “how-to” book, manual, instructions or procedures, announcement, advertisement, public sign, label, biography, autobiography, speech, résumé, personal journal, diary, catalogue, reference book, encyclopedia, theatre or concert program.
forms of media texts. Examples include: adver- tisement, e-mail, feature film or documentary, music video, DVD, food packaging, newspaper, magazine, brochure, movie trailer, editorial, sculpture, song, dance, news report, news conference, press release, sports program, documentary, situation comedy (sitcom), television or radio program or commercial, interview, travelogue, cartoon, web page, podcast, multimedia text, blog, database, interactive software, electronic dictionary.
forms of oral texts. Texts that can be either spoken or heard. Examples include: dialogue, monologue, lecture, anecdote, play, greeting, conversation, question, statement, exclamation, instructions, directions, poem, rhyme, song,

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