Page 21 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
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The overall aim of the classical studies and international languages program is outlined in the vision statement and goals on page 6.
The classical studies program comprises courses in the classical languages (Latin and ancient Greek) and a Grade 12 course in classical civilization, which explores the culture of the classical world and its rich legacy. The international languages program comprises courses in modern languages spoken in various areas of the world.
The courses in classical languages and in international languages focus on developing the language knowledge and communication skills students will need to function effectively in the global community. Students will develop the ability to speak, listen, read, and write with accuracy and confidence. Because language and culture are closely related, students will also learn to understand and appreciate other cultures. This understanding will help students communicate and interact effectively with people of various cultures whether they are speaking English or another language. Since the study of languages
and cultures enhances critical thinking and critical literacy skills, classical studies and international languages courses equip students with skills that are essential for effective learning in other areas of the curriculum. Ultimately, the courses offered in the classical studies and international languages program open up possibilities for pursuing a range of university and college programs and opportunities in the world of work.
Students may take classical or international language courses in any grade of secondary school. For this reason, progression is indicated by levels rather than grades. Classical languages and international languages are all offered at three levels in Grades 9 to 12. Courses at Level 1 are intended to interest students in studying the language and to provide a basis for acquiring and applying more advanced skills at Levels 2 and 3. Students may take courses at Levels 2 and 3 if they have completed the prerequisites.
In the classical languages program, two types of courses are offered: academic and university preparation. In the international languages program, three types of courses are offered: academic, university preparation, and open. Students choose between course

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