Page 178 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 178

  B1. Speaking to Communicate: communicate information and ideas orally in the target language, using a range of speaking strategies, appropriate language structures, and level-appropriate language suited to the purpose and audience;
B2. Speaking to Interact: participate in spoken interactions in the target language for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences;
B3. Intercultural Understanding: in their spoken communications in the target language, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse communities where the target language is spoken and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of sociolinguistic conventions in the target language in a variety of situations.
Level 3, Open
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
B1. Speaking to Communicate
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 Using Oral Communication Strategies: identify a range of speaking strategies and
use them to express themselves clearly and coherently in the target language for various purposes and to a variety of audiences (e.g., rehearse a speech in front of a small group of peers before delivering it to the class; practise delivering lines in front of a mirror before a role play; use personal anecdotes to engage their audience; use audio-visual aids to supplement and enhance a presentation; use familiar and newly acquired phrases and sentences in new speaking contexts)
Teacher prompts: “What effect does rehearsing your message have on your speaking skill and your satisfaction with your performance?” “What can you do to ensure that audio-visual material will support your presentation rather than distract your audience?”
B1.2 Producing Oral Communications: produce rehearsed, some detailed, and spontaneous messages in the target language to communicate information and ideas about a variety of topics, with contextual, auditory, and visual support as appropriate (e.g., describe past and present activities, interests, and plans for the future; present a critique of a graphic novel or video game; deliver a presen- tation on a cultural event, using visual aids and notes; retell a children’s story; create and perform
a new verse for a traditional target-language song;
compose and deliver a public service announcement about a product recall; present a summary of a current or proposed environmental project, such
as mining, forestry, wind turbine farms, or clean water access, in a country where the target language is spoken; describe the skills necessary to complete an internship, work placement, or study-abroad term successfully)
Teacher prompts: “What activities interest you? How do they affect your plans for the future? Share an example.” “What information is essential to include in a product recall? How can you make sure that your listeners get the details they need from your announcement?”
B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and standard pronunciation in rehearsed and spontaneous communications in the target language about a variety of topics (e.g., recite tongue twisters accurately at different rates and
with different emphases; role-play with expression a scene from a book or play that the class is reading; recite a memorized poem expressively; use pauses and intonation for emphasis when delivering a presentation; express personal preferences with ease in a conversation with a peer)
Teacher prompts: “What is the effect of reciting a tongue twister at different speeds? What happens with different emphases? How do these changes affect your pronunciation and pace?” “How might you use tone of voice to affect your listener as you recite a poem?”
By the end of this course, students will:

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